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  1. Do not add Pre/Post Deployment if there is no value.

    The current behavior is when the developer do not have any Pre/Post deployment steps added in his/her PR even though Gearset adds the comment in VCS and Jira, and as a result, it creates lots of noise.

    Gearset: Deployment steps for UAT1 #4062 (do not edit)

    Pre-deployment steps

    Completed at

    Completed by

    Post-deployment steps

    Completed at

    Completed by

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  2. add the ability to set a Profile Picture

    Honestly I'm actually surprised it's not possible to set an avatar at the moment, it seems a pretty basic feature in today's online world!

    As a neurodivergent team, we want to increase accessibility by being able to distinguish our team members within the platform faster and more easily, so that we can increase our productivity.

    It's simply easier to recognise my user in GS if it's "the one with the funny cat" instead of just my initials. Similarly, since we have team members with the same initials that also makes it harder to distinguish them in GearSet since their profile…

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  3. Remove "No Difference" items when commenting on jira tickets

    when i connect a jira ticket to a commit, I like the way gearset posts a comment on the jira ticket listing the changed items. what I dont like is the long list of "no difference" items posted on the ticket. It makes the ticket comments super long and annoying to scroll through. can gearset update this to only post the difference metadatas, or at least give us the option to include or exclude

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  4. reduce the size of the "maintenance" banner and/or allow me to dismiss it.

    reduce the size of the "maintenance" banner and/or allow me to dismiss it. It cuts into my available screen size too much. Dismiss with an option to not show "this" maintenance message again would be ideal

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  5. Please add support for decomposeCustomLabelsBeta

    Salesforce added the option to configure multiple features in the DX Project Configuration file. One of the is breaking down the big CustomLabels file into individual files where we no longer need to deploy the whole file but just a file (label) that has changes in. Please see SFDX Documentation here -

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  6. Add the ability to use attachments (e.g Screenshot) in Pre/Post in GS Pipeline

    Adding the screenshots in Pre/Post deployments is very essential to streamline the deployments. Sometimes the steps could be complex and confusing, and if the build team could add the screenshots, then it will help the release team to execute those manual steps without the need to get in touch with the developer.

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  7. Add option to send notification to the Webex Teams for the Unit tests with the failed tests

    Add option to send notification to the Webex Teams for the Unit tests with the failed tests. While setting up a new unit test job for one of our Salesforce orgs I have observed that there in no option to send the notification to the Webex Teams chats. It would be critical to our org as we use Webex.

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  8. Precision Deployments for Flow

    Please add Flow for Precision Deployment. The new flow visualization has been really great and it would be very helpful to be able to use precision deployments with them.

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  9. Provide the ability to get a deployment report on multiple deployment packages

    Instead of having to download the deployment report individually for multiple deployments, I would like to be able to select multiple deployments and download one report that contains a list of all files that were deployed as part of the multiple deployments. It is too cumbersome to manually download a report or .csv for each deployment and then copy/paste the info into one location so that I can get a comprehensive list of all files that were deployed.

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  10. Audit changes to the "Require issue tracking" setting

    As a result of a query by our auditors it would be helpful to have changes to the 'Require issue tracking' deployment setting audited. They are concerned that a team-owner could alter this to perform a deployment then reinstate it, resulting in change deployment without tracking.

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  11. Make pre/post deployment steps conditional on developer sandboxes.

    Pre/Post deployment notes can be set to pertains to various static environments but they always apply to sandboxes after a back deploy. This should be conditional-- most of the time I only set them applicable to prod and they aren't applicable to developer sandboxes.

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  12. Add "Open Branches" Tab to Development Sandbox Environments in Pipeline

    The only way to deploy an existing feature branch into a development sandbox is to perform a manual compare and deploy. Previously, we had our developer sandboxes set up as static environments which allowed us to create PRs against them for "re-deploy". This is not possible with the new Development Sandbox format. I suggest another tab be added called "Open Branches" which will allow the developers to select a feature to pull and work on in their development environment. That way we get the benefit of easy compare & deploy instead of having to manually compare and deploy. This will…

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  13. It would be great to have a centralized way to view all components and static code analysis results for every commit within a branch.

    It would be great to have a centralized view for all components and static code analysis results across every commit within a feature branch. For example, if a developer makes five commits to the same branch, it would be much more efficient to review the components and static code analysis results for the entire branch in one place, rather than checking each commit individually through the deployment history. Additionally, there should be an export option to easily share the results with developers. Thanks

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  14. Feature Request: Deployment Blocking Based on Daily Unit Test Job Status

    Currently, Gearset lacks a feature to block deployment CI jobs to the respective environments when the associated daily unit test job fails. Implementing this feature would be advantageous in ensuring that appropriate testing quality gates are established to prevent changes from being deployed in the event of test failures. This enhancement would significantly improve our deployment integrity and testing processes.

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  15. Visibility settings for 'Shared Sandboxes' in the gearset pipeline

    Currently, Gearset only supports the binary visibility settings for sandboxes; either the developer could see his/her sandbox or everyone's sandbox. But in the case of a 'Shared Sandbox,' there is no ability to give visibility access only to a specific subset of users in the pipeline.

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  16. Please add support for GenAI objects

    Backups are currently failing when GenAI metadata objects are selected. Please add support so that we can backup agentforce related metadata.

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  17. Allow users to choose their default comparison view

    Different types of Gearset user will prefer to analyse comparisons in different ways. Some will definitely prefer the XML view; others will prefer the new simplified views.

    I think it would be great if Gearset allowed users to specify their default view and comparisons load with this preference.

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  18. Dependency-Aware Deployment Sequencing in Gearset

    Currently, deployments in Gearset can fail when interdependent metadata components are deployed simultaneously without respecting their dependencies. For example, deploying a new Lightning page that references a report or dashboard will fail if both are included in the same deployment, as the referenced report or dashboard does not yet exist in the target org.

    While the current workaround is to manually split deployments into separate feature branches based on dependencies, a more intuitive approach would be for Gearset to detect these dependencies automatically when multiple related components are included in a deployment. The tool could then offer options to handle…

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  19. add the name of the draft deployment somewhere on the comparison view

    Allow the user to be able to see the name of a draft deployment somewhere on the screen when in the comparison view. Often times, team member will share links to draft deployments but we have to follow up in order to find the actual name of it.

    Since the user is taken to the comparison view when they click on a draft deployment link, the name should be visible somewhere on that comparison view page. Even better if that name can also be copied to clipboard.

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  20. view only user

    A free "View Only" user role

    We have setup notifications on changes for specific use cases - eg. all changes to custom fields only.
    We have configured these to send to Slack and Teams channels - but detailed information has to be surfaced in Gearset.
    We would like to give "view" access to many users for the comparison result in the notification, and no other permissions. This should not encroach on the licenced user count.

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