Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
360 results found
Ability to store elements selected during a Comparison for later use
Use case, before a deployment I determine which components I want to deploy, validate the deployment ... but then want to complete the actual deployment at a future date from within Gearset (i.e. once we get sign-off from the client).
Yes, I am aware you can download the validated package. I want to (ideally) complete the actual deployment in Gearset.
2 votesHi,
We’ve just released our ‘draft deployment’ feature in the app which will allow you to do just this.
Here’s how it works:
- Run a comparison as usual. From the comparison results, click Save draft deployment
- Your object selections and the comparison will be saved to your Draft Deployment history
- You can then return to continue building this deployment from your history at a later date
- If you’ve invited other users into your team, you can also edit and collaborate on their Drafts to build a deployment package togetherHope that helps,
Jason. -
Option to run tests when deploying to dev or sandbox orgs
You run tests when deploying to production orgs, which is great, but sometimes I want to force tests to be run when deploying to sandboxes or dev orgs. Can you add in an option to run tests for these orgs?
1 voteThis has now been shipped. You can choose whether or not to run tests when clicking the deploy or validate buttons.
TLS 1.1 support
Salesforce are rolling out the requirement for org connections to use TLS 1.1 or above over summer 2016. Will Gearset support this?
1 voteGearset is now fully compatible with the TLS 1.1 and above requirements for all Salesforce orgs.
Org metadata snapshots
Allow a snapshot/backup of an org prior to running a deployment. Allow us to use this as a source of a new deployment if we want to revert any changes previously deployed, or at least download the package.
10 votesThis feature is now available. You can take snapshots of your metadata on-demand via the Change Monitoring feature and download the zip file created.
Use the local files option when configuring your comparison.
Add support for GitLab
Like the integration with GitHub, to compare and deploy from repos to our Salesforce orgs.
2 votesWe’re happy to say we’ve now launched GitLab support from within Gearset. You can compare and deploy straight from your GitLab repos to your Salesforce orgs.
Allow users to choose when change monitoring and unit testing jobs run
The change & test automation is great, but we can't choose when these jobs run. The option to choose when to run jobs so they don't coincide with dev work would be a great addition.
10 votesThis has now been added to both change monitoring and testing jobs.
Add a test runner interface
Which would allow schedule full test runs and get an emailed report of all failures to stay ahead of an errant admin change blowing up a deployment, before you are validating a change set in your production environment.
1 voteThis is now live for all users under the “Schedule tests” tab in the app. You can also get notifications by email, SMS, Chatter and Slack.
allow meta data compare to be optional for large orgs
When preparing any deploy in Gearset, it requires a full meta data pull which can take 10-15 min (and then timeout) to do any deploy. This is extremely challenging when we're just looking to deploy a new custom field or workflow.
It'd be ideal to add an option for not doing a full org compare/diff and instead allowing for selecting the meta data components you need to migrate.
2 votesYou can select specific metadata object types to include in your comparisons from the “Manage custom filters” dropdown underneath the “Compare now” button in the app. This will only download the selected metadata types, and speed up your comparisons.
Show which tests have been run
In the post-deployment summary, rather than just list the numbers, list the actual tests that have run.
2 votes -
Add support for cloning a deployment
Having already made or attempted a deployment, it'd be nice to be able to deploy the same set of resources to another org (essentially creating a deployment package).
5 votesYou can now clone an inbound deployment package by selecting “Clone deployment” from the deployment history tab.
Stay logged in / save comparisons
At the moment I need to login every time I want to do a comparison, so a stay-logged-in feature would be great, as would the ability to save a comparison and re-run it rather than need to customise it each time.
1 voteHi Jonny,
I’m going to mark this as completed, although it’s more of a completed two out of three requests.
We’ve added a comparison history feature so that you can easily access the results of any comparisons you’ve carried out between two Salesforce orgs.
Additionally, we’ve improved the customized comparison functionality by adding the ability to save customized comparisons and improved access for selecting them on the main UI which will be a big time saver for you.
We haven’t added the stay logged in feature and we can future that.
OSX Version Please!
Need an OSX version to be able to use it if its going to be an offline tool! can't use now unless I borrow a PC or use a VM!
1 voteHi Manu,
we’ve now released a hosted version of Gearset Deploy so it can now simply be accessed from any browser.
Feel free to create new ideas about the service in our forum, or you can email us at with any questions.
1 vote
Persist a customized comparison config when starting a new comparison
If I choose to compare specific types using the Customize Comparison feature - Gearset Deploy should remember those choice(s) when I start the subsequent comparison(s).
4 votesYou can create and save custom comparison filters from the dropdown underneath the “Compare now” button on in the app.
Improve the functionality of the code diff viewer
The diff viewer could potentially have several enhancements:
- add indicators as to where the differences are in the overall file. This would give you visual feedback and let you scroll to a specific part of the document. They could also be clickable to jump specifically to the diff(s).
- Collapse by default lines that are the same to reduce the need to scroll and focus more easily on the diffs.
- Potentially offer the ability to switch between the current side-by-side view to something like the format in GitHub with differences grouped vertically.
- Add the ability to undock the diff viewer from…
7 votesWe’ve made many improvements to the diff viewer over the past year. These include, highlighting the code diff, auto scrolling to changes, resizeable diff viewer, grouping complex objects (e.g. Profiles) into logical groups for easier navigation, and Picklist rendering. Shortly we’ll be adding image rendering too. If you’d like to see any other specific additions, please submit a new idea so we can keep you up to date with our progress.
Provide support for deployment and object dependencies
Gearset Deploy should provide a way to show any object dependencies before a deployment is due to take place.
10 votesDependencies are now available, and you’ll be warned when you try to deploy an object without its dependencies.
Provide more feedback about progress when comparing/deploying
It would be an improvement if additional user feedback could be displayed about the progress of the comparison or deployment stages. Something showing the percentage of progress or an estimated time to complete if possible.
2 votesWe now show you which batches are being downloaded.
Offer a hosted version of Gearset Deploy
As well as providing an installer, it would offer greater flexibility if you could also provide a hosted version of Gearset Deploy.
16 votesI’m happy to announce that we’ve now launched a hosted version of Gearset Deploy.
Simply visit the site ( to try it out. If you have any feedback about the hosted version, please feel free to leave feedback or email the team directly at
Add the ability to resize the diff viewer pane
I'd really like to increase the size of the diff viewer so that I can inspect more lines at once. Currently requires quite a bit of scrolling when it's a large diff.
1 voteYou can now drag the diff viewer to resize it.
Add an OAuth feature for connecting to your orgs
As well as the username/password option on the credentials page - add an OAuth option to enable connecting to the source and target orgs.
13 votes
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