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  1. Ability to filter records on field "ischanged" when doing a data backup comparison.

  2. extend the GearSet public API to include Data deployments between Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs

  3. Add option to make picklist fields non-restricted before performing a data deployment

  4. Resolve "Data Owner" User metadata from difference comparisons (always exclude or compare, then exclude)  ·  Completed

  5. Enhance XML meta data comparison to ignore changes in XML order  ·  Completed

  6. Ignore changes deployed to orgs from Gearset in Data Monitoring jobs

  7. Add the ability to export Success and Error logs for Data Deployments  ·  Completed

  8. Create a Data Deployment Template for migrating Territory Management (1.0 & 2.0)

  9. have functionality to show how big a data deployment is going to be when deploying, as some Salesforce sandboxes have a limit of 1GB

  10. When an Installed Package is installed via GS permission sets with View/Edit All Data system permission don't automatically get updated

  11. Integrate with Salesforce's Setup Audit Trail for Metadata Detection

  12. Ability to turn rules/processes off as needed with ability to rollback

  13. Support of Person Account  ·  Completed

  14. Ability to change the value of a field on import  ·  Completed

  15. Schedule multiple gearset deployments

  16. Do selective restoration instead of a full restoration.

  17. Provide Salesforce error message for Backup Failed Jobs

  18. Keep the same record owner between source and destination orgs.

  19. Need a Lock to the Custom comparison filters

  20. Warn about Email Deliverability setting

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