Allow components to be added or removed from an data deployment template
Currently when a data deployment template is created, there is no way to edit the template after it is saved so that components can be added or removed. It would be helpful if we could modify the components in the template without having to create the template from scratch again.

Nick commented
Yes this is desperately needed. If you need to add any components there is a lot of going back and fourth to create a new template and it would be much easier if you could re-save it and overwrite the original.
Troy Hoshor commented
This is INCREDIBLY needed. Creating templates is time-intensive, and if you need to make a minor change after a template has been run, you have to create it from scratch. Even assuming you were OK clicking through to create the template from scratch again, there's no way to even view how a previous template was built! So unless you've taken meticulous notes the first time through, you're SOL.
There definitely needs to be a template editing feature-- or at the VERY LEAST, allow us to select a template and then 'go back one step' to the initial configuration of that template, so that we can adjust it & save a new copy.
Sarah McCormick commented
This would be particularly useful to be able to effectively save minor tweaks/edits to the existing template instead of a save as a new template (e.g. change the External Id selected, select/unselect objects to bring in, update fields that are masked etc) where it's not really worth creating a whole new version of the template.
Once you get a lot of templates with different versions of each one it makes it really hard to work out what's the latest and what the differences are between them. We're currently trying to work out what our templates need to contain and we've ended up with multiple with the same name and it's really really hard to work out what the differences are between the templates (and there might only be one tick box different between them).
Evan Sturdivant commented
This is needed badly. The fact that you can save a template with a duplicate name is also troublesome. Need the ability to delete templates also. The ability to add/update/delete would be ideal. Something like Manage Templates.
Hi Sasha,
Thanks for the feedback! Would you want to be able to use the original version of the template as well, or just the new version?
Just in case you hadn't seen, you'll be able to select the template as a starting point, make any changes, do the deployment and save a new template, which should help you get to the new one a little faster :)