Brilliant idea. I am currently struggling when deploying page layouts across environments. When there are related lists involved, there are some fields which are dependencies to the page layout, but have not changed across the environments. We still need to deploy these with the page layouts, otherwise we are receiving an error as follows: Invalid field:SOLUTION.ISSUE in related list:RelatedSolutionList Error
My current solution is to take these page layouts out of the deployment package, and release them with their dependent fields in a SF change set (YUCK, I know).
Brilliant idea. I am currently struggling when deploying page layouts across environments. When there are related lists involved, there are some fields which are dependencies to the page layout, but have not changed across the environments. We still need to deploy these with the page layouts, otherwise we are receiving an error as follows: Invalid field:SOLUTION.ISSUE in related list:RelatedSolutionList Error
My current solution is to take these page layouts out of the deployment package, and release them with their dependent fields in a SF change set (YUCK, I know).
Manual and really labor intensive.
This enhancement would be welcomed.
Below is one example of the issue:
Thanks in advance.