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29 results found

  1. Select the fields to deploy during a data deployment

    Hi we use the data deployment feature is it possible to only select some fields to deploy data from one org to another and not always all the fields on an object.

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  2. Compare and Deploy Attachments and Files

    Please add the ability to use the "Compare and Deploy" for Attachments and Files. The ability to migrate PDFs, image files, word docs, and excel spreadsheets would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!

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  3. Correctly create Price Book Entries records with different currencies and updated PBEs when they are out of sync (or delete+insert)

    1) Currently PBEs are incorrectly inserted with the company currency as apposed to the currency of the source record.

    2) PBE's currency cannot be updated once created (SF restriction) but because PBE's should not be referenced by Id, (that would be a terrible design decision). It is quite possible to delete and recreate any out of sync records.

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  4. Include logic operator choices in Data Deployments

    Currently Data Deployments only allow filtering on
    [FIELD] = [VALUE]

    It would be beneficial to be able to include other logic operators such as:


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    We’ve made lots of improvements to the data deployment filters over the past few months.

    The filters now include:
    - equals
    - not equal
    - greater than (or equal to) & less than (or equal to) for dates, datetimes and numbers
    - is empty & is not empty for nillable fields

    You can now specify multiple values (use OR logic) when using the equals filter.

    We’ve made it easier to input dates and times so that you don’t have to rely on knowing the exact format.

    There’s validation so that filters with invalid values aren’t possible. These invalid values would have caused the deployment to fail.

    If there’s still further improvements that you need, please could you create (or vote on) a new idea? This will help us identify which improvements are most valuable to you.


  5. Ability to compare and migrate object data between Salesforce orgs

    The metadata compare and deploy is outstanding and works well. What would save configuration and release engineers even more time would be an object data compare / sync. Sometimes, salesforce releases may only require a data migration. Hopefully, this feature will get a few upvotes from the community as well.

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  6. Ability to activate / deactivate Flows / Processes as part of the meta data and/or data deployment process

    It should be possible to have gearset to deactivate flows and/or processes based on a selection. And to roll-back afterwards. Similar to what has been created here:

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    Hi, thank you for voting on this UserVoice. 

    Flows can now be deactivated in Gearset alongside validation rules and triggers before data deployments. 

    Click the View and disable rules... button in the bottom-right of the pre-deployment summary page (next to DEPLOY DATA) to prepare a special metadata comparison.

    To deactivate a flow, simply select & deploy its corresponding flow definition.

  7. Add batch size option to data deployment

    It would be great to be able to pick the batch size used when doing data deployments.

    We have to work with some orgs using poorly performing managed packages that are blowing up due to CPU limits.

    We don't have many option, so being able to reduce the batch size, and hence the CPU load would be really useful.

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  8. Migrate audit fields during a data deployment

    When deploying data records, it would be helpful if audit fields values could be migrated

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  9. Preserve spacing in formulas!

    When deploying components like workflow rules, workflow field updates, and validation rules, it would be great if the spacing (i.e. carriage returns) did not get lost after deployment. This is especially frustrating for complex formulas where care has been taken to properly indent the formula for easy maintenance.

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  10. Select individual fields in a Data deploy

    Having the option to move up only selected fields in a Data deployment is needed. If we are required to move up all fields in each deployment, there are scenarios where our work will get bottlenecked in a sandbox on the way to production and at that point all the deployments will be identical.

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    Completed  ·  1 comment  ·  Data deployment  ·  Admin →
  11. Functionality to Data Deploy Active Orders

    Salesforce doesn't support the creation or update or standard Order records with a Status Category of Active. This means Gearset is unable to data deploy any active orders. It would be very useful if there was an option for Gearset to temporarily set active orders to a draft status for the deployment or the Order Records and related Order Records, and then set the status back to Active for the final step.

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  12. Allow for the masking of data during a Data Deployment

    During a data deployment it should be possible to mask the data in specific fields. For example, if I were importing Account and Contact data from production into a sandbox I would want to be able to mask email address so that we can't erroneously send actual customers emails while we're testing

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  13. Retain Deployment Friendly Name and Notes After Failed Deployment

    When attempting to validate a deployment, and the validation fails, Gearset retains the deployment's friendly name and notes fields from the validation. The user can make any necessary changes to the deployment, and won't have to re-type this information when attempting it a second or third time.

    I'd like to see this same functionality when dealing with a failed deployment that doesn't use validation. Validating a package takes two steps (long steps), and typically I only want to use this option when delaying a deployment. However I often use it anyway just so I can retain my data in these…

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  14. Add the ability to export Success and Error logs for Data Deployments

    When I do a deployment it would be useful to download the success and error logs as a csv or excel document

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  15. Allow Migration of Data Records to Production

    Salesforce CPQ uses Data for things that are traditionally done with meta-data. Due to this pricing logic, production configuration information, approval logic, and pretty much the entirety of the package is controlled with data.

    Gearset has limited its data migration tool from being able to deploy data to a production org. This renders it useless when working with Salesforce CPQ and has me recommending competitors over Gearset to clients. Gearset is a better UI & workflow than other competitors, but this is a major flaw that should be removed!

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  16. Cancel a running data deployment

    Currently I am trying to copy data from production into a sandbox and mask them, but I forgot to adjust the amount of records to create. Now Gearset tries to create thousands of records for each and also mask them with a lot of fields included. I would like to abort the process but don't see any option because this huge amount of data and background services consumes a lot of time and compute resources. Also, I can’t estimate how much time is still left to complete the data deployment. Also, just to see is also a huge improvement but…

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  17. Show start time, end time and duration of a data deployment

    This would be very helpful in order to communicate and set expectations with others on how long Data Deployments take as well as seeing how to improve the speed of longer running Data Deployments. If only one date/time can be displayed, then I think it would be better to see the End Time of the Data Deployment job. Currently, the Date column listed appears to be either (1) the start time of the Data Deployment job, or (2) the date/time when the Configure and deploy was clicked to start configuring the job. If it's #2, this isn't very useful.

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  18. Show source Org records count for each object so that we can decide on how much of it can be moved and how much of filter is needed

    Show source Org records count for each object so that we can decide on how much of it can be moved and how much of filter is needed. Moreover after all object are select with filters for movement, please show the total number of records that will be migrated across all selection and its related objects. This will tell us if we are exceeding the limit of 10000 and do we need to split.

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    When you select objects for a data deployment, you’ll now see how many records the source contains for that object. This will also take into account any filters you have on the object.

    We’d love to hear if this is useful or if there’s more you need – please get in touch via the in-app chat!


  19. Include duplicate rules in "Disable validation rules, triggers and flows"

    Here's a powershell script I hacked-up to do this from sfdx directories in vs code:

    $duplicateRules = ".\force-app\main\default\duplicateRules"
    $temporary = -join("duplicateRulessave",[System.Guid]::NewGuid())

    Save repository versions

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $temporary
    Move-Item -Path $duplicateRules*.* -Destination $temporary

    Retrieve org versions

    sf project retrieve start --metadata DuplicateRule

    Make deactivated versions

    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $duplicateRules -Filter "*.xml"
    foreach ($file in $files) {
    $content = Get-Content $file.FullName
    if ($content -match "<isActive>true</isActive>") {
    $content -replace "<isActive>true</isActive>", "<isActive>false</isActive>" | Set-Content $file.FullName
    } else {
    Remove-Item $file.FullName

    Deploy deactivated versions

    sf project deploy start --metadata DuplicateRule

    Restore repository versions

    Remove-Item $duplicateRules*.* | Where-Object{!($_.PSIsContainer)}

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  20. Option to exclude all custom fields during data deployment

    Hi, We are doing data deployment from one production org to another production org and we have completed the migration of all records of a particular custom object but after completion of record migration the client wanted to migrate the files and attachments present in the records.

    while doing so we do need to update all custom fields present in the records again as this could replace the updated records with old data from old production.

    So we have used the exclude fields option but there is no option to select exclude all fields at a time we have to…

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