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22 results found

  1. On the new Flow Comparison, goto connections incorrectly display as "End"

    When seeing the changes in a flow in the new graphic comparison, there are connections which are incorrectly displayed as the flow ending

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  2. Webhook errors page does not have a scroll bar

    Firstly, thank you for adding the Webhook errors page! This surely will help us troubleshoot webhook issues. However, I am having an issue viewing the page.

    Steps to reproduce:

    Using Chrome or Edge, Windows 10
    Pipeline > Gear Icon > View Webhook Errors > Observe that there is no scroll bar on the side of the page, nor does scrolling with mouse work as expected, yet there's clearly additional rows partially displayed.

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  3. 'View and Resolve Conflicts' button should open in a new tab

    More of a UX enhancement than a bug but not sure where else to put this. From a PR in the pipeline, the 'View and Resolve Conflicts' does not allow me to open the page in a new tab (tried Chrome and Edge). It would improve my workflow quite a bit if it opened in a new tab by default, or at least gave me the option to right-click open in a new tab. The conflicts take a while to load and I almost always have something else to look at on the CI pipeline page while the conflicts are…

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  4. Deleted matching rule not showing as difference when trying to commit

    The deleted matching rule is shown as 'deleted' in the comparison but when trying to commit and moving to the overview screen it is shown as 'no difference' which makes it impossible to commit.

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  5. Gearset silently removes SocialPost Layout Permission when deploying

    When deploying from one org to a git repo (or other org) and selecting Layout + Profiles gearset will display a Layout Permission for the "SocialPost" object. However when completing the deployment "SocialPost Layout Permission" is removed because deploying it would cause Salesforce validation errors. This is not displayed anywhere and always causes "SocialPost Layout Permission" to show as "New" when doing a comparison.

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    This behaviour was converted to a problem analyzer as of July 23rd 2021.

    You should now be able to include these Layout Permissions in your deployment by ignoring the suggestions from the "Items that can't be deployed through the Salesforce metadata API" analyzer

  6. Retain source control branch selection when cancelling a comparison

    If you click "compare now" and then click "cancel" before it finishes, the "compare metadata" screen retains your selection for orgs, but does not retain the branch selection for source control.

    It defaults to the first branch by alphabetical order versus what I selected before I cancelled. This can cause confusion for users who do not notice.

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  7. Test Run results

    Test Run results show duration in Seconds but I believe the results are actually in Milliseconds

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  8. All apostrophes unencoded

    All apostrophes and quote are un-encoded within when Gearset commits from org to git and subsequently show up as delta change when comparing later.

    & has been changed to &
    quot; has been changed to "

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  9. When searching for a custom object name and the '__c' is included, nothing is returned.

    If the search term ends in '__c', drop that when conducting the search.

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  10. Support of Person Account

    The Data Migration function doesn't support Person Account. If Person Account is enabled, any type of Account data can't be migrated, as most of the objects have a relationship to Account object, not able to migrate Account data prevent migrating most of the Standard/Custom objects.

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  11. Fix Datetime sort order in the Changed On filter list

    The list of selectable dates is alphabetically sorted: Apr, Aug, Dec, Feb, Jan, ...

    Sorting by the temporal value would be more useful.

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  12. CI job edit - unable to change value of checkbox Filter By package.xml

    everything else is editable; this checkbox is not

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  13. Allow default repo to be set in Manage Connections and use in Comparison


    This does not appear to work.

    1. Setup connection to source control GitHub that your user credentials includes multiple repos (in my use case, there are about 100)
    2. Do a Comparison, in the target list of repos, you will see all 100
    3. Select your repo (say repo #77). Do the Comparison
    4. Logout
    5. Login. Repeat step 2.

    RESULT: repo#77 is not defaulted. You have to reselect it.

    Either fix the aforementioned issue so the repo you most recently used is 'sticky' or allow specification of a default repo on the Connections page for each repository type.

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  14. After choosing source/target connection: show friendly name.

    When we are selecting source/target we can see the friendly name in the dropdown list.

    After the selection is made we can see only the username. It would be easier visually confirm that correct connections are are selected if the friendly name was shown next to the username.

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  15. bug -- Refresh comparison with a selected item that on the refresh is no longer changed

    If you have a piece of metadata that was changed on a comparison then a subsequent comparison using the 'Refresh Comparison' button. The selected item is still selected and unable to be deselected.

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  16. Can't navigate away from Validation in Progress

    When I have a deployment or validation in progress, I can click on the main navigation but the page doesn't actually navigate to the target page.
    The URL will change in the address bar, but other than that, nothing happens. If we shouldn't be navigating away from the validation progress page during a validation, please include a message in the UI explaining as much and disable the navigation (or have it open in a new window / tab).

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  17. Live chat button overlays action button

    Not sure how you resolve this one without moving either button. Maybe do something similar to what is done in the Diff view (where the action buttons are displayed in a row below the content).

    Another option would be to have the live chat in the header navigation to toggle the feature on / off?

    Not sure...Just noticed that it gets in the way sometimes.

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  18. Objects in deployment report did not deploy - Various Custom Translations

    Hey guys -

    I am experiencing an issue where i am selecting various custom translations to deploy and the deployment report states deployed, but they are coming up in a new compare and have not been deployed in reality.

    These custom translations are recommended to be removed from the deployment in the fixes / recommendations screen. However, i deselect the objects in order to deploy them. Then both validation and deployment succeeds w/ said objects in the deployment report.

    Maybe it's something i am doing wrong? I could get on a call to discuss my scenario and run through it…

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  19. Prev/Next buttons did not function for setting the focus when in APEX view mode

    When viewing an Apex class with differences, the Prev/Next buttons did not function for setting the focus in APEX view mode however they did function when in XML view mode.

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  20. Changed By / Change On reporting incorrect user

    Changed By / Change On reporting incorrect user when comparing to Salesforce orgs (sandbox to prod)

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    I’m going to close this post. Unfortunately Salesforce provides the information and we’re simply reporting it so it’s beyond our control. I’ve provided 3 scenarios in the post about what can happen. I’m sure we’ll uncover more over time!

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