Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
33 results found
Gearset API to externally trigger Gearset actions
It would be incredibly helpful to trigger Gearset comparisons, validations, deployments, etc. from an external source using an API. Our team uses GitHub for our VCS, which provides the perfect opportunity to:
1. design webhooks to validate changes in order to approve a Pull Request
2. design webhooks to automatically deploy changes to an org once the PR is approved.Additionally, CI tools such as Jenkins, TravisCI, TeamCity, etc could use such an API to design complex builds that still employ Gearset, but use the external tool for additional actions outside of what Gearset provides for their CI features.
108 votesThis is now available to everyone with an Enterprise license! Please see for more details. If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please contact us via the in-app widget.
Allow Updating of Associated Jira Ticket Statuses on Successful Deployment
With Gearset's current the ability to associate a deployment with Jira tickets, and post updates as comments to the stages of deployments, the ability to choose the status (from what is defined in the status of the Jira Board), upon a SUCCESSFUL deployment, would be incredibly helpful in our environment plans for our projects.
By being able to select the status to update all tickets to from the Jira board, we could effectively manage our custom stages for different projects.
22 votes -
Ignore Unlocked Package Metadata In Comparisons
Currently, metadata from Unlocked Packages show up when comparing against an org. This leads to duplication of metadata in source control repositories (correct DX package repository and incorrect monolithic, "happy-soup" repository).
Using the Package2Member Object (Tooling API), it is possible to deduce whether or not a metadata item is part of an unlocked package. Therefore, it should be possible to ignore some or all unlocked packages (or any Package2 package), in a similar fashion to the way Gearset filters allow inclusion or exclusion of managed packages.
17 votesIn comparisons, all metadata from unlocked packages is included by default. However, some users wish to exclude unlocked package metadata from a comparison. This is so that they don't have to see metadata that they don't need to consider for their deployment.
So we’ve added this ability!
Within the packaging sidebar on the right hand side of the large filter, there is now an option to Exclude unlocked packages from a comparison. Shown in brackets is the number of distinct unlocked packages identified across the two environments.
Ability for team members to manually run the CI
Currently, only the owner of the CI job can manually run the CI. If the owner is out or unavailable, this creates a problem for team members because they have to deactivate the current job, clone and setup the new CI OR transfer ownership. Transferring ownership doesn't work if a team member is out unexpectedly, ill or doesn't have access to perform the transfer.
It would be helpful if you could grant access to a group of team members who have access to manually run the CI. This would save a lot of time and prevent having to keep multiple…
14 votesWe have made changes to the app on the 29th of June release for Enterprise licensed Gearset users:
Added the ability to run CI jobs belonging to other users if the source is a git repo and the target has deployment access delegated.
We think this now covers the cases:
- Allow an enterprise licensed user to run other people’s org to org CI jobs
- Allow an enterprise licensed user to run other people’s git to org CI jobsWe have not implemented allowing user to run other people’s org to git CI jobs. As this is sub use case is quite a specific interpretation of the original suggestion. Perfectly happy for it to be specified in another separate suggestion.
We have updated the documentation to reflect this change –
I hope this delivers the what your team needs. Feedback always welcome :)
Improve Bitbucket Server integration for teams with large number of project/repositories
ideally... gearset should not be hitting
first. It should hit to get a list of projects
then allow the end user to select the project
then{projectKey}/repos to get a list of repos on the project the end user selects12 votesGearset will now filter by project first when selecting a repo/branch for Bitbucket Server
Create GitHub App as alternative to GitHub OAuth
Gearset currently uses OAuth to connect to GitHub, and the way that works is that the OAuth connections have permissions to all repositories that my user has access to, which from a security perspective is a problem, because if the github key were ever compromised, it would provide very broad access to customers GitHub organizations.
Security teams would feel much better with the ability to limit the scope of access to just one repo instead of all the repos that my GitHub user has access to, which can be accomplished by creating a Github App which can be installed for…
10 votesThis is GA for GitHub Cloud
Bitbucket pull request add Default Reviewers
When using the "Create Pull Request" link on the deployment screen, please add the "Default Reviewers" to the BitBucket pull request.
Currently we have to edit each pull request and add the reviewers manually.
5 votesThis has been released on October 1st 2021
Gearset integration with Jira hosted on local Server
It will be great to have Gearset integration with Jira hosted on local Server. Currently, we have only with JIRA cloud.
Thanks5 votesSupport for on premise Jira was added in January 2018.
Support org shape parameter for creating Scratch Orgs
Currently definition files are required for creating scratch orgs but there is no support in GearSet for the use of the sourceOrg parameter as per the sfdx documentation here :
4 votesWe’ve now released support for the Org Shape feature which is available when creating a scratch org.
Add link to test results in Microsoft Teams
Please add a link to the test results as part of the notifications sent to Microsoft Teams. The integration with Slack already includes the link so it would be very helpful to have a similar integration in Microsoft Teams.
4 votesThanks for your suggestion. I am pleased to say that the Microsoft Teams test monitor notifications should now have feature parity with the Slack notifications.
Report CI validation/deployment status to source control
When a CI job is triggered by a commit to source control, please update the source control system with the result of the build - so that e.g. with Bitbucket we could see the build result from pull requests as at
4 votesGearset will now report CI job statuses to both Bitbucket and Bitbucket Server
Add support for incoming webhooks
There's already a way to set up an outgoing webhook after a successful CI job run.
It'd be nice to have a way for a CI job to have an incoming webhook from another service, such as ElectricFlow (a build platform).
One use case would be for CI deployments to be dependent on external validation services.
4 votesThis is now possible since we have released our API, which is available to everyone with an Enterprise license! Please see for more details. If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please contact us via the in-app widget.
Ability to create Pull Requests for AWS CodeCommit
Gearset can create Pull Requests for many of the source control systems that it integrates with, but not AWS CodeCommit.
As AWS users, it would be very useful to use to have this ability so that we didn't need to switch systems to create Pull Requests.
3 votesThis functionality was implemented in February 2022.
Allow multiple Team owners to Connect to the bitbucket server through OAuth instead of creating a new link every time with in same Org
With in an org if we have multiple owners working as multiple teams, Gearset should be able to allow other owners to connect to the same Biibucket server through OAuth, instead of creating a new link every time.
3 votesThis was completed and released on 22nd of January 2020
Stamp Deployment Results with Salesforce Id of the Deployment package for auditabilityq
When a deployment is successful, the deployment results/report should include the Id of the deployment package from Salesforce. This would create a foolproof audit trail between Gearset deployments and when they went into effect in Salesforce.
3 votes -
Integrate Gearset with Bamboo
Would be important to be able to integrate Gearset with an existing CI Tool like Bamboo, Jankins. (e.g an Bamboo Action or a generic Rest API which can be used by Bamboo or other 3rd party apps)
3 votesThis is now possible since we have released our API, which is available to everyone with an Enterprise license! Please see for more details. If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please contact us via the in-app widget.
Support more than one Dev Hub (sfdx) per Gearset Account | Manage Orgs
The Manage Orgs tabs only allows one to have at most one Dev Hub. This can be limiting in the following use cases:
Your Gearset user account is associated to a PROD org that has Dev Hub enabled yet the Gearset user wants to experiment with sfdx and Gearset using the SFDC Trailhead-recommended 30 day Dev Hub Trial Org
You are a consultant working with multiple clients, each using SFDX and hence each with their own Dev Hub. Yet as consultant, you have only a single Gearset account.
3 votes -
Allow automatic tagging of release commits
I've found it very useful to be able to quickly identify release merge commits from our VCS. Being able to search for a tag in our VCS would allow us to easily compare one version to another without having to use something like git bisect. I'd like the option to automatically tag a commit (you could probably use the release name) would be helpful.
2 votesGearset will automatically tag pipeline releases with the release name. For more information check our documentation.
add an option to sign commits with GPG key
If a source control space has enforced GPG key signature for all commits, gearset is not able to push any commits.
2 votesYou can now sign commits with GPG keys in Gearset. This article explains how to set up commit signing in Gearset. Commit signing is available on the Deployment Teams and Enterprise licenses.
Please let us know if you have any feedback via the in-app widget or by emailing
Populate Pull Request Templates from git providers
When creating a pull request directly in Gearset, it would be ideal to pull in the existing templates defined in BitBucket or GitHub.
A middle of the road solution (if GiHub or BitBucket's API doesn't support this) could be defining a pull request template in Gearset.
2 votes
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