Ability for team members to manually run the CI
Currently, only the owner of the CI job can manually run the CI. If the owner is out or unavailable, this creates a problem for team members because they have to deactivate the current job, clone and setup the new CI OR transfer ownership. Transferring ownership doesn't work if a team member is out unexpectedly, ill or doesn't have access to perform the transfer.
It would be helpful if you could grant access to a group of team members who have access to manually run the CI. This would save a lot of time and prevent having to keep multiple versions of the CI in case the CI owner is out.

We have made changes to the app on the 29th of June release for Enterprise licensed Gearset users:
Added the ability to run CI jobs belonging to other users if the source is a git repo and the target has deployment access delegated.
We think this now covers the cases:
- Allow an enterprise licensed user to run other people’s org to org CI jobs
- Allow an enterprise licensed user to run other people’s git to org CI jobs
We have not implemented allowing user to run other people’s org to git CI jobs. As this is sub use case is quite a specific interpretation of the original suggestion. Perfectly happy for it to be specified in another separate suggestion.
We have updated the documentation to reflect this change – https://docs.gearset.com/en/articles/2533179-access-levels-in-gearset
I hope this delivers the what your team needs. Feedback always welcome :)
Can we check if this request is fulfilled by the implementation of
https://gearset.uservoice.com/forums/283474-help-us-improve-gearset/suggestions/34689589-allow-other-enterprise-users-who-do-not-own-the-ci ?Or is there something else that is not available yet?