Gearset API to externally trigger Gearset actions
It would be incredibly helpful to trigger Gearset comparisons, validations, deployments, etc. from an external source using an API. Our team uses GitHub for our VCS, which provides the perfect opportunity to:
1. design webhooks to validate changes in order to approve a Pull Request
2. design webhooks to automatically deploy changes to an org once the PR is approved.
Additionally, CI tools such as Jenkins, TravisCI, TeamCity, etc could use such an API to design complex builds that still employ Gearset, but use the external tool for additional actions outside of what Gearset provides for their CI features.

This is now available to everyone with an Enterprise license! Please see for more details. If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please contact us via the in-app widget.
This is now available to everyone with an Enterprise license! Please see for more details. If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please contact us via the in-app widget.
Roman Hentschke commented
Hey gearset... the API URL mentioned in the docs ( returns a 404 NOT FOUND :-(
any ideas?
If you want to try our API you can now enable it in the pilot features section of your Gearset account.
The Gearset Team
A private beta of our Api is now available to try.
If you would like access please send us a message via the in app-chat when logged into your Gearset account and we'll enable it on your account.
The Gearset Team
Anusha commented
This would help customize the sequence of salesforce validations along with other external actions.
Justin Fleming commented
Any update of this is under consideration or on the roadmap?
Bernt Smilden commented
This would make Gearset a fully integrated component in a modern devops environment
Dan Vestlund commented
Yes please, needed - thank you
Gunhild Braut Mundal commented
Yes, please
Eivind Jacobsen commented
We really need this. Upvote!
Anonymous commented
Does Gearset have REST api exposed that we can use to fetch data from the tool?
Mattie commented
I'd like to know if this is on the roadmap. We are updating our deployment processes and would like to know if this will be an option anytime soon.
Austin H commented
This would be a great feature to have. Providing a REST endpoint that allows you to specify comparisons, validate deployments, and deploy would allow for users to fit Gearset into larger DevOps architectures in a more robust fashion.
Noel Austin commented
We need this also! Especially to trigger CI jobs as part of a larger orchestration.
Mike Gill commented
It would open up the ability to trigger CI from Slack and SFDX cli :-)
Mike Gill commented
this would be fabulous!
Mike Havrilla commented
Any update on this?
@Matthias Löblich: I'll follow up over email to get a bit more info from you on what's needed if that's okay?
Matthias Löblich commented
Any news on that ? Is this feature already in your Gearset Backlog / Road map ?
Matthias Löblich commented
We would need this to integrate with our CI (Bamboo).