Populate Pull Request Templates from git providers
When creating a pull request directly in Gearset, it would be ideal to pull in the existing templates defined in BitBucket or GitHub.
A middle of the road solution (if GiHub or BitBucket's API doesn't support this) could be defining a pull request template in Gearset.

This has recently been added and you can now use pull request templates for GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, Azure DevOps Git or GitLab. For more information, check out our article here https://docs.gearset.com/en/articles/3954372-create-pull-requests-from-deployment-summary.
Daniel Barckley commented
I would adjust this to just be Populate Pull Request Templates in general (same with github). OR allow us to upload PR Templates that populate the PR Description field that match and select from that as well as the text desc field if not selecting a template! Thanks Gearset!!!