Allow custom endpoints for webhooks from Unit Testing and Monitoring Jobs
Include/exclude individual metadata in templates by managed package · Completed
Add Upload CSV functionality to create an upload template for CPQ deployments
Ability to have automated process to maintain field list in Production environment
Have you all ever thought of putting GPT into this and having AI built release notes?
Allow serial deployment instead of parallel
Manually Delete Metadata after CI job runs
Offer option to auto-limit items in clone comparison
Allow searching for specific fields in backups · Started
Create a Master-Switch Only deployment process
Show file storage backup progression
Microsoft Teams CI Deployment Job Notifications - Add Source Commit
Increase API call limits
One stop shopping for scratch org creation
Need to be made aware and/or given the opportunity to view the totality of the changes prior to deployment
Allow 'OR' combination for multiple External ID's in Upsert operation
Store formatted JSON in source control
"Next" button on comparison page sometimes does not work
Compare org monitoring from an arbitrary date to the current state of the org
Provide reporting capabilities for Deployment History · Completed