Include/exclude individual metadata in templates by managed package
The Include Managed Packages option right now is a global one-- and, while nice, that doesn't cover situations where you want some metadata of a Managed Package (eg. a Profile permission) to be included, but not others.
Currently users have to laboriously deselect data related to Managed Package in certain areas (eg. Static Resources, Permission Sets, Custom Tabs) because it'll always fail to deploy.
The ability to include Managed Packages for some metadata, but not others, in templates would solve this issue.

With Gearset’s named filters, you can now configure exactly which metadata components are going to be included in a comparison.
For the advanced use cases, you can also use regular expressions to define rules that, for example, include all managed components that match a certain naming convention.
You can find the docs on our site
Matt commented
This is an issue for us as well - static resources for managed packages show up in the compare due to differing md5 checksums.