Ability to report on runtime in Gearset Reporting API and what metadata filters were used
As part of showing the amount of time saved by using Gearset (and DevOps best practices), as well as the overall current utilization of Gearset across multiple teams and Gearset instances, being able to report on the Comparison, Validation, and Deployment runtime would be extremely beneficial. Also reporting on which metadata filter was used, if named and saved/accessible, in a comparison, validation, and deployment.
This data could also be used to identify inefficiencies in the standard metadata filters used across our Gearset instances, and potentially identify clients not deploying smaller and iteratively in order to prove with data how that impacts deployment processes and time the team spends deploying on a certain basis. It also helps makes the case to expand the usage of Gearset. Currently seeing the number of comparisons, validations, and deployments is not necessarily an indicator of time or effort to provide that full picture.

[Deleted User] commented
add reporting that highlights when OOTB Profiles are included as with the exception of System Administrator, they are often unused in a well-managed org