Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
102 results found
test class not captured in deployment history
It would be nice to capture whatever test classes ran for code coverage deployment of classes/triggers in the deployment summary in the Test Results section. You already have a section for this test results so why not add the class names used in the report. We have come across many classes deployed without their appropriate test classes and it is hard tracking/documenting which test classes were used to deploy these as there are no documentations in the class.
5 votes -
Allow notification for long running jobs
Allow a for a notification to be sent when a Continuous Integration job runs longer than N minutes. Most of our jobs tend to complete in under one minute, so if a job runs longer than 30 minutes, being notified would be helpful.
1 vote -
Cruise control feed for Deployment Steps
We are planning to let our team notify and keep informed about the deployment steps status just that they can stay informed about it. These are non-Gearset users.
Can we have a monitoring feed for Deployment steps that take place from Compare and deploy Screen 1 which contains basic deployment details (Source and Target). So as an When we progress with the deployment steps, it will keep it updated. Similar what you have for Unit Test monitoring feed. (Test monitoring Cruise Control feed)
1 vote -
Be able to start immediately a JOB (CI/Unit Tests/Monitoring)
Add a button to start it immediately. Currently only solution is to change the executing time!
2 votes -
Org Management/Oversight Dashboard
I would really benefit from a dashboard option. A single place where I could see my CI Job history, Unit Testing Jobs and Monitoring/Backup history for all/a subset of my orgs.
I am using Gearset more and more to manage the state of my org's metadata, so it would be nice to be able to see it all in one place.
4 votes -
test Monitoring overview - show "is running" + stats
On the Test Monitoring Overview page; you should be able to see at a glance whether the test is running and how many methods have run vs total
Reason this comes up is if you establish a Unit Test run for your developer sandbox org, then you can't run (some) tests from your IDE against the same org "ALREADYINPROCESS Test already enqueued"
A quick glance at the Test Monitoring Overview would tell you if you need to wait 1 minute vs 20 - and guide your activities accordingly
2 votes -
Allow Monitoring Jobs on Source Code Repositories
Currently, Enterprise users can create monitoring jobs on sandboxes, so that they may be notified when a sandbox's metadata changes. It'd be great to be able to perform the same monitoring action against source code repositories (GitHub!).
An example use case would be detecting when undesired metadata types enter into the repository. This is important because CI jobs will fail on certain metadata types, so we want to ensure that they never make it into source to begin with. Additionally, our business has decided that some metadata types should never be captured into source.
10 votes -
Trust Site
Right now, Gearset is down and we cannot use it. It would be good to have a site that shows what is going on and what the team does to fix the issue...
5 votes -
Auto-generate deployment note and git commit message
When Gearset makes a commit, it defaults to a blank deployment note and blank git commit message. Although I can edit this , it would be awesome if you can merge in details from the deploy to the commit (like components changed, what salesforce user made the change etc)
17 votes -
For CI Jobs initiated by Github, dynamically send CI failure / success email to the user who committed to the repo.
Currently, we can only specify a list of users to email, a Slack channel to update, or a Chatter group to post to when a CI job is successful or fails. If there are multiple notifications to a number of people, it's likely they will filter out these messages, so being able to notify the person who the CI Job is most relevant to would be a good improvement.
12 votes -
Have the option to attach test details to test notification email
When you set up notification options for test monitoring, there should be a checkbox for attaching the detailed test result csv file to the email
2 votes -
Modify the email address for manual deployment notifications
Being able to modify the default email address for deployment notifications, as for automated jobs, would help keep the others in my team notified of any manual deployments we run.
4 votes -
User Account Specific Validation Errors
When deploying objects such as reports to a Target ORG, sometimes the reports are shared with a user in the source ORG. If the user does not exist in the Target ORG, the validation throws an error. Would it be feasible to add objects, such as reports, to the Warnings / Fixes screen so we can easily select how to handle user specific dependencies? Maybe we can chose to enter a new username or simply remove the shared with permission on the object?
2 votes -
Send a link to the report in the notification
It'd be nice to have a link to the report included in the notification for any scheduled monitoring, test run or deployment/validation.
8 votesThanks for the suggestion.
When you run a deployment, the deployment success email contains the PDF of the deployment report, as well as a link to your deployment history to view the full information.
For the test/change monitoring emails, what sort of report would you like to see? Would you like to see the full information on tests run or just a summary of key stats?
We don’t currently provide the ability to export PDF reports for our change and test monitoring jobs in the same way as our deployments, but it’s something we’ve been thinking about putting in.
Jason. -
Ability to have automated process to maintain field list in Production environment
With GDPR, companies are required to provide justifications for all data that they collect. In Salesforce this means being able to identify why all fields in the system exists, categorize fields as PI, and provide business justifications. The ability to keep a list of current fields in a production instance of Salesforce that includes alerts when new items are added, or ability to sync that list out to another tool like Smartsheet, where other business users like a legal team would have visibility, would be incredibly useful.
1 vote -
Add an Ignore option for change alerts
Sometimes metadata comes back from Salesforce in a different order, which makes it look like there was a change when there really wasn't any. It would be nice to have a way to flag such comparisons as Ignored so I know I looked at them and decided that they didn't need to have any further action.
1 vote -
Custom text within automated emails
I simply want to be able to add some lines of text to the emails that are triggered.
In our case this would simply be to let the team know the deployment was complete please proceed with any manual steps for example. In our org this would simply save a step for the release manager to have to trigger an email stating this and be included in the email triggered by gearset.
This functionality might also play out nicely that we could have some more specific text around the test jobs that we trigger. For example, we have thought to…
1 vote -
Add search specific item history
For monitored environement, it would be great to have the ability to search for specific item history.
1 vote -
Would like the ability to print the current comparison for selected objects before deploying
I would like the ability to print the current comparison for selected objects before deploying to use for documentation purposes.
1 vote -
Compare org monitoring from an arbitrary date to the current state of the org
In Monitor ORG's tab, we have a daily set of cached metadata that can be used to troubleshoot issues in an ORG. This is great that we have this data. What would be even better (if there is not a way to do it currently), is if we could take the metadata cache from the monitoring job, "x" days ago, and compare it to the current state of an ORG.
Maybe an ideal way to achieve this would be to select a cached version in the Compare Organizations screen. Alternatively, a button can be added in the Monitoring Job history…
3 votes
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