Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
360 results found
I would like the option to view the delta CI only changes within the comparison, like the agents who are helping me untangle issues
I would like the option to view the delta CI only changes within the comparison, like the agents who are helping me untangle issues. ask kevin slattery to show you.
3 votes -
Partial environment variable replacement and wildcards
Some types of metadata, such as Platform Event Subscriber Configuration, have attributes identifying a user by username. As such, regardless of the value in the source environment, the value deployed to the target org must match the username pattern of that org.
For example, if the value in the source repo is <user></user>, when deployed to a sandbox, it must be <user></user>. From sandbox to sandbox: <user></user> must become <user></user>. And finally, when going from sandbox to production: <user></user> to <user></user>.
This could be solved by supporting environment…
6 votesYou can now use Regular expressions in the "Find what" field when defining environment variables, allowing you to do wildcard/partial replacements.
Multiple metadata comparison filter selection
Having multiple comparison filters to target specific metadata is handy but sometimes you need some additional components for a deployment (e.g Flow & Custom Fields).
The ability to select more than one metadata comparison filter would be a great help and would save on the number of custom filters created and shared.
4 votesWe have now made it possible to add components as needed to a comparison. Please check out our announcement on it here for more details and a short demo - thanks!
support blank values and/or regex in the "Find What" field on Environment Variables blank values and/or regex in the "Find What" field on Environment Variables.
I would like to replace the value in a field on a Custom Metadata Type with an environment specific value, regardless as to what the value is in the source file. Currently I need to specify an specific value in the source to be replaced.
5 votesYou can now use Regular Expressions with Environment variables.
Simply enter the regex value in the "Find what" field and tick the "Regex" checkbox before hitting "Add environment variable" button.
Thank you for submitting the requests.
Add schedule deployment for Pipelines
It would be great to add a new feature to cherry pick and schedule deployment for the changes that have reached up till staging/uat and should be released to Prod. Without this feature it becomes difficult to manage releases to avoid downtime.
7 votesYou can now schedule deployment for a release in Pipelines.
Allow page layout field additions and removals to be selectable
As a user, when selecting page layout changes to include in my deployment, I would like to include only the fields I have added that are different from my destination environment.
Dev environments can be worked on by different people. There are times when a solution requires adding an existing field to a page layout to solve your user story.
At the same time, another user story may also be making changes to that page layout using different fields (removing or adding).4 votesYou can now select the exact fields and other layout items for deployment using Gearset's new Precision deployments feature:
Deleted matching rule not showing as difference when trying to commit
The deleted matching rule is shown as 'deleted' in the comparison but when trying to commit and moving to the overview screen it is shown as 'no difference' which makes it impossible to commit.
6 votesThanks for reporting this bug. A fix for this was released on the 30th June. You should no longer have any issues when trying to deploy deletions of the various "...Rules" types
Allow me to configure my default landing page on logging in
Specifically, I use the Pipelines most of the time and would love for that to be there as soon as I login. While my use case is Pipelines specific, I would guess that others might want a different page when they login, so it would be nice to be able to configure this on a per-account basis.
6 votesWe've recently made a change to let you select your default landing page in your account settings.
Allow users to specify when to apply Environment Variables
A good feature would be to have some setting that lets you declare when you should apply environment variables. Since right now it is applied automatically during manual deployments and CI deployments. Perhaps in the wizard when you configure deployments there should be some option there to declare if environment variables should be applied or not?
We have some Custom Metadata and Custom Settings that always need to be updated post-refresh based on the new sandbox instances and it would be useful to use environment variables to set these values and deploy them one-time without them being deployed in every…
2 votesEnvironment variables will only be applied if its configuration as specified by the user (metadata type, item name, and a field for some types) matches the type and item name in the deployment package.
In all other cases, environment variables won't apply.
Added clarification in the Environment Variables config page:
"Environment variables will be applied automatically during both manual deployments and continuous integration deployments if the metadata item is included in the deployment package."
Ability to transfer Salesforce Org Connections to another user
I'm setting up my Salesforce Org Connections using an integration API Salesforce user account. It's a neutral account that isn't tied to any real person. Once these Org Connections are setup, I'm going to delegate them to other users, so they won't have to duplicate effort setting up their own Org Connections. It would be nice to be able to transfer these neutral connections to another user if I happen to leave the company or whatever.
4 votesTeam owners can set up team-shared Salesforce org connections. These connections aren't tied to a single user on the team, and any team owner can delegate access to the org connection.
re-add "re-authorize" link on compare view
After refreshing a sandbox, you have to re-authorize the sandbox-org. A while ago, there was a link to do so. Now we have to navigate to the list of orgs to re-authorize there.
Please give us back the re-authorize shortcut :)
4 votesWe have now added a 'Re-authorize' button to the access token expiry warning message that will typically appear when selecting Salesforce orgs with an expired token on the initial 'Compare and deploy' page.
add an option to sign commits with GPG key
If a source control space has enforced GPG key signature for all commits, gearset is not able to push any commits.
2 votesYou can now sign commits with GPG keys in Gearset. This article explains how to set up commit signing in Gearset. Commit signing is available on the Deployment Teams and Enterprise licenses.
Please let us know if you have any feedback via the in-app widget or by emailing
Clone CI job without delta enabled
As the Gearset administrator for my team I want to be able to clone a CI job that is set as a delta job without the delta flag enabled so that I have less effort to create a brand new CI job.
Acceptance criteria:
- When closing a CI job with the delta flag enabled, give the option for the new job to now have the delta flag enabled.
- If the source and target are the same as an existing job, provide a visual warning of the potential consequences of replication of the job.
1 voteHi, this feature has now been released.
When cloning a CI job with delta enabled, you should now be able to toggle the delta CI checkbox when configuring the cloned job -
Ability to Name a Backup Run
It would be great if you could name a backup run.
Sometimes when backing up its handy to label in in case it was done for example before a deployment or large data load. Then this can be identified in the future or to refer back to it. Otherwise you need to remember the date and times! :)
1 voteWe've added friendly names to data backup runs! 🎉
Please get in touch if there's any specific places you would like us to display this friendly name in place of timestamps.
Offer Canadian data residency.
We have clients in Canada that require data residency for data backups/deployments and even metadata deployments/processing.
Please add the option for a Canadian hosted Gearset account.
6 votesHi there,
We have now added Canada as a data storage location. You can head over to - click on create new account and sign up for the same.
Gearset team.
Populate Pull Request Templates from git providers
When creating a pull request directly in Gearset, it would be ideal to pull in the existing templates defined in BitBucket or GitHub.
A middle of the road solution (if GiHub or BitBucket's API doesn't support this) could be defining a pull request template in Gearset.
2 votes -
Edit "Existing Saved Filters" on an "Existing CI Job"
If using a saved filter on CI job, there is no easy to update an existing saved filter from the CI job directly.
2 votes -
Edit "Existing Saved Filters" on an "Existing CI Job"
If using a saved filter on CI job, there is no easy to update an existing saved filter from the CI job directly.
Here is my current workflow:
Start a new compare and edit / save the filter from there, then going back to the CI job, refreshing filters and reselected the saved filtered.
If multiple CI jobs are setup it's easy to miss some jobs which are dependent on updated filter.
Alternative solution - Provide toggle to update all related CI jobs which use the filter.
0 votes
Option to sort Custom Application XML
While this can be done with VSC custom plugins for SFDX, I think it would be really beneficial if Gearset offered the ability to sort Custom App XML in comparisons in order to see what's actually changing between a source and target for lightning page activations. Due to the way SFDC generates this XML, the way page activations are ordered is very difficult to follow, and I think it's an opportunity to make that easier especially for declarative config users of Salesforce.
5 votes -
Restore specific Salesforce files from backup
From the user interface, allow a backup user to select and restore a specific file from a backup job.
1 voteYou can now do this via the backup restore process - see
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