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285 results found
Do not add Pre/Post Deployment if there is no value.
The current behavior is when the developer do not have any Pre/Post deployment steps added in his/her PR even though Gearset adds the comment in VCS and Jira, and as a result, it creates lots of noise.
Gearset: Deployment steps for UAT1 #4062 (do not edit)
Pre-deployment steps
TitleCompleted at
Completed by
Post-deployment steps
TitleCompleted at
Completed by
7 votes -
Remove "No Difference" items when commenting on jira tickets
when i connect a jira ticket to a commit, I like the way gearset posts a comment on the jira ticket listing the changed items. what I dont like is the long list of "no difference" items posted on the ticket. It makes the ticket comments super long and annoying to scroll through. can gearset update this to only post the difference metadatas, or at least give us the option to include or exclude
7 votes -
reduce the size of the "maintenance" banner and/or allow me to dismiss it.
reduce the size of the "maintenance" banner and/or allow me to dismiss it. It cuts into my available screen size too much. Dismiss with an option to not show "this" maintenance message again would be ideal
3 votes -
Please add support for decomposeCustomLabelsBeta
Salesforce added the option to configure multiple features in the DX Project Configuration file. One of the is breaking down the big CustomLabels file into individual files where we no longer need to deploy the whole file but just a file (label) that has changes in. Please see SFDX Documentation here -
11 votes -
Add the ability to use attachments (e.g Screenshot) in Pre/Post in GS Pipeline
Adding the screenshots in Pre/Post deployments is very essential to streamline the deployments. Sometimes the steps could be complex and confusing, and if the build team could add the screenshots, then it will help the release team to execute those manual steps without the need to get in touch with the developer.
3 votes -
Audit changes to the "Require issue tracking" setting
As a result of a query by our auditors it would be helpful to have changes to the 'Require issue tracking' deployment setting audited. They are concerned that a team-owner could alter this to perform a deployment then reinstate it, resulting in change deployment without tracking.
1 vote -
Make pre/post deployment steps conditional on developer sandboxes.
Pre/Post deployment notes can be set to pertains to various static environments but they always apply to sandboxes after a back deploy. This should be conditional-- most of the time I only set them applicable to prod and they aren't applicable to developer sandboxes.
2 votes -
Add "Open Branches" Tab to Development Sandbox Environments in Pipeline
The only way to deploy an existing feature branch into a development sandbox is to perform a manual compare and deploy. Previously, we had our developer sandboxes set up as static environments which allowed us to create PRs against them for "re-deploy". This is not possible with the new Development Sandbox format. I suggest another tab be added called "Open Branches" which will allow the developers to select a feature to pull and work on in their development environment. That way we get the benefit of easy compare & deploy instead of having to manually compare and deploy. This will…
4 votes -
It would be great to have a centralized way to view all components and static code analysis results for every commit within a branch.
It would be great to have a centralized view for all components and static code analysis results across every commit within a feature branch. For example, if a developer makes five commits to the same branch, it would be much more efficient to review the components and static code analysis results for the entire branch in one place, rather than checking each commit individually through the deployment history. Additionally, there should be an export option to easily share the results with developers. Thanks
3 votes -
Visibility settings for 'Shared Sandboxes' in the gearset pipeline
Currently, Gearset only supports the binary visibility settings for sandboxes; either the developer could see his/her sandbox or everyone's sandbox. But in the case of a 'Shared Sandbox,' there is no ability to give visibility access only to a specific subset of users in the pipeline.
1 vote -
Create a functionality which can Export all the Open PRs for Pipeline
Dear Gearset Team,
We recently encountered a challenge where we had approximately 250 open PRs in production. To streamline the process, we needed to submit a report listing all open PRs, which were then reviewed by the Dev team. If a PR was deemed unnecessary, it needed to be declined. Additionally, some tickets were withdrawn, which required the associated PRs to be declined as well.
Currently, this task requires us to manually open each PR, copy the PR link, add the story linked to the PR, and include the assignee of that story. We then input all this information manually…
1 vote -
I would love to be able to edit the name of a feature while it is in progress in the pipeline.
We include the release date as part of the feature title, but sometimes the release date changes after we create the feature and while the feature is still in the pipeline. It would be great if we could update the name of the feature at any point up until deployment to production.
1 vote -
Audit changes to the "Require issue tracking" setting
As a result of a query by our auditors it would be helpful to have changes to the 'Require issue tracking' deployment setting audited. They are concerned that a team-owner could alter this to perform a deployment then reinstate it, resulting in change deployment without tracking.
1 vote -
Show doesRequireRecordChangedToMeetCriteria on Flow Navigator
The doesRequireRecordChangedToMeetCriteria toggle on flow Decisions doesn't show on Flow Navigator, making it harder to check for issues on builds when using the comparison tool.
doesRequireRecordChangedToMeetCriteria should show in the flow navigator, same as the rest of the decision configuration.
1 vote -
Feature that allows users to post Deployment information to custom object in Salesforce
Gearset has feature to allow users to send depolyment information to Jira. Provide the ability to do the same to a custom object in Salesforce.
1 vote -
Force API update for deployment
Please provide the ability to force API versions for deployments.
Allow the administrator to place an API version in a setting and when a deployment is validated or attempted deploy if the API version is the value or below then do not allow the validation or deployment.
1 vote -
Feature Request: API Endpoint & Webhook for Validation Errors
I hope you’re doing well.
I’d like to propose a feature enhancement for Gearset’s API that would greatly improve integration and visibility across systems like Slack, GitHub, and Jira.
Feature Request:
• API Endpoint:
Expose the existing endpoint as part of the Gearset API:{jobId}/result that returns specific error messages for failed components after a validation attempt.
This would allow us to programmatically retrieve validation outcomes and integrate them into other systems for better tracking and visibility.Webhook Support (Bonus Feature):
Even better, adding webhook functionality to push validation results directly to external systems (e.g., Slack) would streamline our workflow.…1 vote -
audit api user friendly interface
The current process for finding deployments that included a specific component requires multiple steps including downloading JSON and working in a spreadsheet. It would be nice to have a UI that allows us to select a time frame and specific component API name and get a filtered list of deployment jobs within the given timeframe that included the given component.
1 vote -
Create user friendly Audit API query process
The current process for finding deployments that included a specific component requires multiple steps including downloading JSON and working in a spreadsheet. It would be nice to have a UI that allows us to select a time frame and specific component API name and get a filtered list of deployment jobs within the given timeframe that included the given component.
1 vote -
Integrate with Continue
My org already pays for Continue as an alternate to GitLab Co-Pilot
1 vote
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