Refresh specific item in comparison through context menu
It would be great to refresh a specific item within a comparison that I know has changed since the last comparison.
Gearset now supports:
- Refreshing a single item - available either from the context menu (by right-clicking an item in the comparison results table) or by using the "Refresh item" button in the XML preview window
- Refreshing selected items - available from the context menu once one or more items are selected
Thank you for commenting on and upvoting this request. We hope this new Gearset feature is going to speed up your workflow!
If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please contact us via the in-app widget.
Chris Starleaf commented
This would be a wonderful time-saving addition.
Anonymous commented
This is necessary to save a lot of time when deploying a lot of components!
Austin Turner commented
YES! I ran a deployment and a unit test failed and I needed to make a small change to a unit test and want to re-run the deployment. I know only this one class was modified and I want to refresh just the one apex class and then re-deploy.
Waiting for everything to refresh completely is a waste of time.
Alternatively/in addition, allow me to refresh just the selected items. In most cases I made changes to something that I am deploying and it is already selected, so please don't make me wait forever for another full refresh.
Faraz Khan commented
Upvoting this feature.
Kushal Gupte commented
Highly requesting for this feature
Roman Hentschke commented
Highly requested feature!
Antone Kom commented
When selecting a metadata filter and then running a comparison and reviewing the results, sometimes you find that a small change is needed to one metadata item. You make the change in the source org, but now the comparison needs to be refreshed.
Instead of having to refresh the entire comparison, it would be great and save a lot of time to be able to select and refresh specific metadata items from the comparison page.
Aidan Harding commented
Please, please, please!
I'm comparing around 4k components, selecting about 200, and one of them is giving me a different error on each deployment.
So I'm having to wait 10 minutes for Gearset to recognise the fact that I've removed one element from a LIghtning page, and then go round again.
To quote from our customer when they saw the time it took to deploy for them "Is Gearset the right tool to use for this?"
Bob Hatcher commented
Glad to see this is getting some traction. A similar feature that would be just as useful is to refresh the comparison for ONLY the included items.
If my comparison yields 200 items and I select four, I should be able to run a comparison on those four only.
Sam King commented
This would be extremely useful for us as it would save 20~ minutes on bigger refreshes.
Bob Hatcher commented
This is huge since one of the biggest annoyances with Gearset is the time it takes to run comparisons. 9 times out of 10 the reason you are refreshing is to update one item of many in your deployment.
David Wood commented
So important
Noel Austin commented
This would be a time saver for us also. As part of this 'Selected Files' refresh it would be nice to also have the option to not refresh metadata from the target, only the source.
[Deleted User] commented
this would save so much time; I'm always forgetting to include a layout or custom metadata or an Apex Page Permission.
Jonathan Keener commented
This would be extremely useful when dealing with small errors. A quick fix could be made in the source org to a single item, the item could be refreshed quickly and than the deployment could succeed.
Jeff Taylor commented
I definitely run into this one a lot. I'm preparing a large deployment and would really like to refresh just a couple of items. The full refresh takes a very long time...
Another use case is when you find that you need to merge the two source+target versions of a file. Huge pain to find one of these and know that I have merge it in my source manually AND still refresh the full comparison.
Anonymous commented
The goal would be to be able to run a "mini comparison" in order to add a few components to a deployment that may be hitting an issue because it is missing one or two components. This would eliminate the need to run the whole comparison again.
[Deleted User] commented
A common use case is:
1. Compare default(66) source and target
2. Select some files
3. Deploy
4. Get some error indicative of either missing file or out-of-date file(s)
5. Fix file(s) in underlying org/source branch.
6. "Back to results" Optionally mark additional files as selected.
7. "Refresh Comparison"This takes too long, you just want the selected files to compare (and really, just get on with deploying). You don't want to wait for both source and target metadata to load and compare. You don't want to uncheck/check specific metadata components that represent your selected files. You just want a refreshed set of selected files from the last compare
Ian commented
Often times I find myself updating 1 or two files since a prior comparison. Rather than refreshing the entire thing which can take a while, it would be nice if I could specify which ones to refresh.
I'm aware that I can set which metadata types to compare, but even in large orgs, the 4 or 5 common ones can still take quite awhile from a full refresh.