allow meta data compare to be optional for large orgs
When preparing any deploy in Gearset, it requires a full meta data pull which can take 10-15 min (and then timeout) to do any deploy. This is extremely challenging when we're just looking to deploy a new custom field or workflow.
It'd be ideal to add an option for not doing a full org compare/diff and instead allowing for selecting the meta data components you need to migrate.

You can select specific metadata object types to include in your comparisons from the “Manage custom filters” dropdown underneath the “Compare now” button in the app. This will only download the selected metadata types, and speed up your comparisons.
Hi Joe,
We certainly do have a solution for you on this. Before you kick off a comparison, click on the "Customize comparison" option just below the Compare Now button.
This allows you to select the specific metadata object types you want to include in the comparison and deployment. If you're only after custom fields or workflows, for example, just select them and hit OK. That will speed up the comparison and diff viewer and get avoid you waiting while we compare objects you're not wanting to deploy.
You can also save these custom comparison sets so you can re-use them in the future. Simply select the objects you want to include, type a name in the box at the top, and click "Save". Next time you run a comparison, you'll be able to select this set from the drop-down box so you don't have to recreate it each time.
Does that sound like a sufficient amount of granularity and control over the comparisons?
Hope that helps,