Email notification for failed deployments
Getting an email when a deployment succeeds is nice, but it would be nice for failed deployments too. (Unless maybe I've missed an option for this?)
Failed deployments will now trigger an email notification, just like successful ones.
The email contains a summary of the failure information, and a link to the failure report where you can begin to debug and fix the errors.
Thanks for the suggestion! :)
Thanks for the clarification Aidan!
Aidan Harding commented
One that I've kicked off interactively and takes a long time to run. Often the deployment is the most important thing I'm working on, so I'll go do something else while it's running, but I want to continue the moment that I have a result.
It would be useful to have the same a list of the test failures/errors in the email, but just a link would be fine, too.
Is this a notification for a scheduled deployment that has failed, or one that you've kicked off interactively?
What would you like to be in that notification?