Specify tests to run on the test monitoring jobs
Some of my orgs have many tests, and I don't always want to run all of them on a daily basis. Being able to specify which tests are run daily would be great.

[Deleted User] commented
Ideal user interface would be
1 - Drop down w/ check boxes of available Test Suites
2 - Option to add individual classes (also via checkboxes - perhaps filtered by some pattern)Use cases:
a) Changing class Foo; hence want to run Footest
b) Changing class(es) in some subsystem defined by a test suite, e.g. "Orders"; hence run Test Suite "Orders"
c) Changing classes that span two subsystems "Quotes" and "Orders"; hence run test suites "Quotes", "Orders"
d) Changing classes in subsystem "Orders" plus also change to a Util class; hence run test suite "Order" + file UtilTest -
Eric Kintzer commented
such as by choosing suites such as available in Dev Console