Specified Test Level Suggestion
It would be very nice to be able to have a test classes suggestion when doing a deployment with "specified test level". The suggestion will ensure the package elements will be covered at least by 75% and so speed up the deployment.

[Deleted User] commented
This would be 'huge' and here's why: If the running user of the tests also happens to have in the target org an active debug trace flag (perhaps by simply opening DC to do something else like run SOQL or just debugging something else), then the tests will run with that trace level. This can make tests run 4-5 times longer than by running with debug levels at NONE or ERROR. In my org, with 700 tests, the difference is between 20-30 mins (at NONE) and 3 hours if using the default trace flag of SFDC DevConsole. Plus, tests can timeout at the default degug trace level if they are complex. While one could argue that tests should be run using a headless user, this doesn't always happen.