Monitor Orgs feature -- Turn off monitoring for metadata types
Monitoring orgs is great, except for orgs (in my case) that have Metadata. Each day that the monitoring runs it reports changes because of the MD5 checksum value is changed.
So to see the changes from the monitoring screen I have to click into the org and the monitored job, click into history, then into comparison. When nothing on the org has really changed other than the checksum value it shows differences (which makes sense).
What I would like is the ability to turn of monitoring for this metadata type. Or possibly more than just this type if there are similar types that cause the same 'pseudo-false' reporting.

We have removed the metadata type from the default comparison set, so change monitoring jobs will no longer include this by default.
In addition, when you create your monitoring job, you can specify which metadata filter you’d like to use. This will let you choose exactly which types of metadata to monitor for changes.
Jesse commented
Could you add the metadata filter to edit a monitoring job, so I don't lose our monitoring history when I change this over?