When the difference between Source and Target, on a particular line, is only in the formatting. Highlight in a different color
From what I can determine you are categorizing the differences as follows:
Code in Source, not in Target – Highlighted in Green
Code in Target not in Source – Highlighted in Red
Difference between code in Source and Target – Highlighted in Yellow
When the difference between Source and Target, on a particular line, is only in the formatting. It would be nice if that was highlighted in a different color than yellow (perhaps grey). It would speed up the review of the code knowing a certain color was only a formatting difference.

Hi Tim,
We've recently released a new version of our diff viewer which includes character-by-character diff highlighting. This isn't exactly what you've asked for, but hopefully it goes some of the way towards addressing your problem - lines with only formatting differences should now highlight just those whitespace differences in a darker colour, which will make it a bit easier to scan.
In addition, the new diff viewer will ignore whitespace differences at the start/end of lines, although not in the middle of lines.