Remember my default source control system and default to it
We use Bitbucket not git hub. So on compare metadata screen when I go to Source Control radio would be nice for the version system to default to bitbucket.
Small tweak I know but annoying to change every time. Easiest might be that the drop down list stays set to whatever system you used last?

Hi Douglas,
I’m marking this as completed because this feature is already implemented and should remember the last VCS system you used – if it isn’t working then that’s a bug!
Note that it’s currently only implemented on the Compare and Deploy page, and is specific to the source/target (so using Bitbucket on the source side won’t carry over to the target side until you’ve used Bitbucket once on that side, and vice versa).
The preference is only saved when you actually kick off a comparison. Clearing your local storage for `` may clear up any issues if you’re having problems.
We’d love your feedback if this isn’t working or isn’t implemented as you’d expect it to be.
Pat Vachon commented
Seems broken. :(