Have a way to exclude objects from comparison
Before using Gearset we used the Force.Com migration tool. We got to learn that several things just can't be deployed to sandboxes so we always excluded them from source control, or learnt to not merge them.
Gearset has filters which mean you can specify things to include, but it would be nice to have things it would automatically exclude for you (i.e. not show in comparison). Some of these it already knows not to try and deploy. Things like
but there's a few other random pieces that I have to remember to untick each time or deployment fails. Having a list of stuff to just exclude would be super lovely.
You can now exclude specific items in your custom metadata filters in a similar way to how you include specific items.
This won’t cover some cases, such as excluding subcomponents like specific user permissions within a profile, but for those cases let’s open a new specific feature request.
Martin Novacek commented
If we can exclude certain things from in the comparison filters, all other newly created things are automatically deployed with the CI job who use my comparison filters.
For example, at the moment in "custom filters", if I choose the type "custom object" and disable "all items", I can filter and select which objects we want to have in comparison.
We need the option to invert the filter. to be able to select the specific objects that we do not want to compare.