Allow save into a draft deployment after Refresh Comparison
Use case:
Source is master, target is org
Create draft deployment between master and org; Save
...time passes, new items are added to master
Open draft deployment
Refresh Comparison to see new items in master
Select new items
Click Save Draft Deployment --you have to create a new version (and no obvious way to even see the current draft's name without opening a new tab)
Seems like you should be able to save back into the same draft after refresh comparison (or at least have option to do so).
When you create a new version of the draft; you have to reshare the link with other team members. This creates risks that other team members will update prior draft versions

Abdullah Mahmood commented
This is very much needed.
William Chu commented
We are having the same issue where you are forced to save into a new draft deployment after refreshing comparison, documentation seems incorrect/outdated. The person with enterprise license on their account is going to combine our drafts as a workaround.
Kurt Fairfield commented
This help article says this is possible...
But it does not work for me, maybe some setting to adjust?
Anyone having this issue in 2021?
Brian Chong commented
Currently, I am receiving an error message "Failed to save draft: unknown reason" in the UI and "Draft name already exists" in the HTTP Response.
Previous drafts are useless to me. I have to go back and delete drafts named release-2, release-3, release-4 because I couldn't rename them.