Distinguish between process builder and flow
If you do deployments of flows and processes from process builder, both of them are handeled as a flow. If you need to activate the flow or process manually in a production org, you need to guess if it was a flow that you have deployed or a process.
Please within the deployment report (and the comparism), distinguish between flows and processes.

[Deleted User] commented
This can be extended to annotate using the value of the Flow <processType> property with suitable translation to the label a user would expect. E.g processType of Workflow is a Process Builder.
See https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.234.0.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_visual_workflow.htm for a list of all processTypes
This becomes more relevant as one moves from PBs to Flows per SFDC recommendations and similar names will be used