Associate pull requests to work items in Azure DevOps
When you create a pull request from gearset, the pull request isn't associated with the Azure DevOps work item.
We've enhanced Azure DevOps (ADO) integration! You can now associate work items with pull requests directly through the ADO sidebar.
This improvement leverages ADO's native features for a more seamless and efficient workflow.
CSC Gearset commented
Its high time, this is absolutely needed.
Frank commented
It is crazy this is not an out of the box feature. Companies rely on branching policies to ensure compliance for change requests. Gearset should respect work items associated to commits whether they are introduced via Gearset or via the VCS. This is a big gap in functionality and will absolutely hinder people making the switch to Gearset.
John Beard commented
Couldn't agree more. The PR/WI integration is assumed to be there. A comment into the PR isn't really integrating the work item into the PR. This is kind of a big deal.
Loran Saggu commented
Same as Jason commented before me, when Gearset auto-creates the new PR after a developer creates an initial PR, the Work Item on the initial PR is not carried over onto the new PR. This ends up meaning a loss of connectivity across our ADO project.
Jason Flammang commented
This would really help our process. For our organization, having a tagged work item is one of the status checks in ADO for being able to complete a PR into an environment branch. This is currently a manual step that has to be done, not only for the initial PR into the Pipeline but for each auto-created PR through the pipeline.