Warning On Missing Custom Metadata Field
I had a deployment fail today due to a difference between a custom metadata type's definition in the source org vs the destination. The source had two extra fields that the destination did not have. This cause the metadata record deployment to fail, because two extra values were included in the deployment which did not have corresponding fields in the destination. Because the fields were for a custom metadata package, I was unable to (easily) add the fields into the destination org.
I'd like to see a way to suppress custom metadata values. This may be solvable through the inline metadata editing feature requested on this site, though this would be annoying for large deployments.
A solution that might fit in with the philosophy of Gearset would be to add a warning to deployment that verifies if all of the values in the deployment have corresponding fields. If fields are missing in the destination, then a toggle is given that allows users to remove those field values from the deployment, without removing the entire metadata record.