Treat "New" FLS entries that don't grant any access as "Not Different" in Profiles and Permission Sets
Due to a recent change in the SF API, Permission sets now display every field in the org as a "New" FLS item, with Readable and Editable both set to False. This is leading to two distinctly negative results.
1) For every "Permissions for FieldNameXXX" item, every permission set in the org is modified. If two projects on two different sandboxes each add a field, they will both modify modify all the same files, and require manual XML merge. for our org thats almost 70 files that need manual merge with every new field.
2) When you dig into a Permission set, you find thousands of entries, not the single FLS entry the developer changed. The comparision feature of Gearset becomes much less valuable if I have to ask the developer to list each and every field they added to the permission set, so I can seperate the signal from the noise.
By treating "New" FLS items as "No Different" if they are neither readable nor editable would:
1) limit deployments to version control to changing only the files that actually need changing,
2) make meaningful differences in the profiles and permission sets that we care about easy to find,
3) and prevent all projects from generating churn on the same files constantly, reducing merge conflicts.