Export subset of data in data backup
I would like to be able to filter what I want to export from a data backup, since I probably won't need everything from the database. This would make the downloading more manageable.
Ex: Export only ContactID and Email fields from Contact object from a specific backup.
(Restore data seems to allow this, but in this specific case I needed to run some checks in Excel since I couldn't just update everything with the old data)

You can now select the object(s) to export for a particular backup run.
Simply go to the backup history for a job, and for a backup run, choose the ‘Download data’ option in the context menu to choose the subset of data that you’d like to export.
Erick Burtness commented
Even just being able to choose specific objects to export would be great. I just had a situation where it would have been helpful to export all data from about 10 custom objects. Putting everything into one zip file doesn't work well when we have a substantial amount of data in our org.