"Next" button on comparison page sometimes does not work
Sometimes, the "Next" button on the comparison page does not work. In the Developer Console I can see a 403 response from "POST https://app.gearset.com/api/static-code-analysis", traced to "raygun.js:2016".
In this case, I have to reload the comparison page.
This happens quite often (I estimate 1 in 5 times).
I don't think that it's a timeout issue (CSRF token or sth.), because just right now I only marked one file in the comparison list and wanted to proceed, and the button didn't work.
On other occasions, I spend a lot more minutes on the comparison page, and the button works perfectly.
This bug happens to other collegues as well and is a "known issue" amongst our Gearset users.
My browser is Google Chrome 83.0.4103.61 on a Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.