Combine validated packages
Hi Team,
Please add checkbox for validated package as same as deployed ones. that way I can combine package even for validated one's and deploy.

Beth commented
As a release manager that wears many other hats, I am working toward having each member of my team validate their own packages against production so that I have little to no deployment errors on deployment day. Without this functionality I have to have them save a draft as well, that could be out of date, or build a whole new package.
Cole Prato commented
+1 Would be Very Useful, members of team can validate packages for a deployment and Release Manager can combine them into 1.
Anonymous commented
This will be useful, there are situations where we have started off with multiple projects that are supposed to be migrated at different times/days. But sometimes they end up changing the migration date and we end up migrating on the same day. It will be a big timesaver if we can just merge these validated packages instead of having to create another package from scratch.