Ability to choose whether or not to respect the forceignore file
Would like a checkbox on the comparison screen that allows me to choose whether or not the comparison will respect the contents of the forceignore file. (Similar to the checkbox allowing you to choose whether or not the comparison should use the package.xml file).
Our usage of Gearset does not align with our usage of the forceignore file for automated deployments. In fact, we often use Gearset to manually compare and/or deploy items that we specifically ignore for automated deployments.
Summary of problem this new feature has introduced:
We use gearset for org -> git deployments, and for git -> org deployments, which previously did not respect the forceignore file.
However now various items are 'hidden' by the forceignore file which means that when we're deploying into or from the git repository we're seeing these 'hidden' items as new or deleted.

Patrick Fordey commented
This would be extremely helpful for a number of use cases where you want to be able to use files in source control for certain deployments but not others. The alternative right now is to keep either have two version of forceignore and keep moving back and forth depending on what you are doing or have two versions in two different branches you have to maintain. The alternative is to have two repos that has the metadata you want to deploy manually using Gearset.
We have multiple use cases where we want to do post non managed packaged deployments to an org for certain metadata types that are not fully supported by packaging or are difficult to manage in packaging e.g. permission set groups.