Metadata Filter organization with group or tag management
It's great that we can set filter visibility now to Only Me or to share with Team. It would be nice, especially for larger teams, to have another way to organize them either with tags, folders, sub teams or groups.
Example: 1 Scrum Team may have 10-15 filters they maintain and use, and another group of users on a team also have 5 or so they use. Both can see all 20, and this adds up fast.
Feels like being able to group users together could also have other benefits like mass assigning access to orgs (for deployment, validation, comparison) vs doing it per each user individually

Andy commented
Agreed, some sort of team filtering would be great. We need to routinely "trim the fat" because someone shared a filter that is not relevant to a team outside the org license.
Dennis Grzyb commented
My team is working on different projects at the same time, often times independently from each other. The ability to hide all filters personal filters that aren't my own (and maybe selectively share them with a select few team members) would be greatly appreciated!