Expose Salesforce Validation Errors within Github PR
Currently when a PR Validation fails (Deploy CI Job with Validate Target setting turned on), the user can click the Gearset "Details" link to go into Gearset to see the exact error.
Many of our devs use VS Code and Github for their daily work and only rely on Gearset for the CI job. Having them jump into Gearset just to see the error is time consuming and not very intuitive for them. Sure we can find the same errors within the target org of the CI, but at that point the list of validations is large and it's hard to find.
If we could have the CI job trigger a comment on the PR of the Success or Failure (with errors or at least first 10 errors) then our developers could have a smoother time staying within Github.

Andres Fernandez de Prado commented
This should include the validation errors detected by Gearset itself, and not just the SF Validation errors.
Antone commented
Great idea... I would request the same enhancement for other code repos besides Github - we use Bitbucket, and not all developers have a Gearset license, so they are always bugging us lucky few to go into Gearset and tell them why their build failed.