sfdx repo deployment should be in subcomponents
Context: Compare and Deploy from Org to a Repo.
as i understand it, even if my repo is in SFDX format (Object subcomponents), Gearset still does the compare in the metadata format.
it reads the components from sfdx, combines into a .object form, and then applies the changes to the .object file and then decomposes again.
this is causing unintentional changes to be part of our PR

Chris Tufts commented
I added a similar idea to allow us to ONLY select the .object with no sub components when migrating object metadata into a repo. But this flexibility would fix my problem (assuming that I can compare fields without a .object file in the sfdx format (this causes all sorts of issues with managed packages so it would be a really nice feature)
I think its accomplishable if they leverage the tooling API or just do some parsing of the XML against what you actually select when running the comparison