Jira comment only for production releases
We would like to have the option to choose which deployments create Jira comments. As business users often watch our Jira tickets, we would prefer only posting comments when we actually "release" (deploy to our production org) and skip comments for releases on sandbox environments.

Jonathan Flatt commented
This would be very nice, or be able to configure limit which sandbox/branch merges add a jira comment, it may be nice to know that something is in our integration environment.
Valentin SCHMITT commented
Same need here, we would like to be able to choose when we want to add a comment on JIRA because right now the automatic integration is generating lot of noise in the JIRA comment section
Ульяна Шинина commented
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Sebastian commented
Yes, this would be a great feature.
Currently our tickets in Jira are overflowing with comments from Gearset. It would make a lot of sense to be able to pick and choose which types of messages you want posted from Gearset. -
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