See when a commit validation was deployed or not (For CI validation Jobs)
When you go to the validation only CI jobs section within the Continues Integration part we usually have a CI job targeting a prod environment, you can see all validations succeeded and the commit attached to such validation, each CI job run contains 3 options:
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Then if the validation passed and the code indeed was merged from the feature branch to the master branch (Which would have triggered the actual CI job run), how would you be able to identify wether a merged pull request was deployed or not within gearset?
For me it's very helpful to be able to identify with kind of a "Deployed" label every CI Job run that was clicked on "Deploy" previously, So once you got more pull requests merged you will get to know pending to deploy ones with no need to check one by one or comment on the ticket.
Another option would be to be able to deploy and select the linked ticket before hand clicking on deploy, so you got another source of confirmation and at the same time you get the notes for the rest of the team posted on a jira comment.