Integrate with Agile Accelerator instead of just Jira
Integrate with Agile Accelerator instead of just Jira.
It would be great if Gearset (and ideally the Pipelines-feature) could integrate with Agile Accelerator.
Since we're a Salesforce-partner we want to use as many Salesforce-native solutions. That's why we've been happily using Agile Accelerator for many years.
It would be great if Gearset can also integrate with Agile Accelerator instead of just Jira.
Right now the Gearset Pipelines feature isn't useful to us, because of this sole reason.
Thanks for considering this!

Andrew Russo commented
This would be very important for us.
Nate Rusch commented
I agree with this request. I am on Mission Control, so any connection with Salesforce objects would be a valuable addition.