Rolling back deployment made by CI JOB
Currently it is possible to roll back a deployment made by CI Job, though that rollback will only be performed to the specified Org. Hence, other Orgs have to be rolled back individually.
Use case: I have propagated changed from my Sandbox to Staging. An issue was identified that requires a substantial amount of work where that feature cannot be included in the next deployment to production, hence it needs to be removed from Staging. Though, other sandboxes back propagated that feature because they assumed it should work.
It would be amazing if the rollback used Github commits, so the history is reflected in version control.
It would be great if roll back made on a CI Job would create back propagation pull requests, hence requesting other orgs to undo those changes.
Another approach, allow users to choose the destination of the rollback. This would allow me to create a maintenance branch from (e.g.) Staging, push the rollback snapshot into the maintenance branch, and in turn propagate to Staging and in-turn it would create back propagation to other CI Jobs.