Run pull request validation against a different sandbox than the one linked to the target org
Hi team,
We have multiple developers creating PRs against a common development branch (let's call it simple, develop; developers are creating their feature branches from master, the Production configuration branch). Develop branch is linked to an integration environment (called INT). INT environment contains multiple stories which are not yet in Production (some of them might go in Production, some will not go).
I would like to get my PRs validated in a Production-copy environment (called BUILDCHK) just to get a real feedback on how "deployable" are my changes in Production, for whenever their time will come.
It would be great if we would have the option to choose (in the deployment job settings) against which environment a pull request should validate & where to be deployed once merged (it can be the same environment that validate against - e.g. BUILDCHK - or a different one - in my case INT -).
Thanks a lot,