Improve Deployment Information in Notifications
I've tried both Email and Teams integrations and the actual information in the message (or attached PDF for Email) is lacking, with only great piece being the branch name.
An option to get advanced details that could provide some of the below (but not limited to):
- Actual Links - Atleast with Gitlab Self-Managed, we just get a text-based message referencing a merge request.
- Commits / Original MR - For those deployed via a Pipeline, getting the original MR (our pipeline is dev org > QA > UAT > Staging > Production, with the Dev Org > QA being the key "reviewed" MR. Showing list of commits deployed and their commit messages would provide an easy-to-read version of what was deployed.
- Objects / Classes Deployed - Obviously this is untenable for large deployments, but even a list of metadata types deployed would be helpful.
- Commiters & Reviewers - Showing a list of what users had commits and what users were involved in approving the Merge Request would also be ideal.

Kyle Varga commented
Microsoft Teams webhooks also support Markdown format that could make the message formatting be improved as well.
Look at the Sage example in Microsoft's Message Card Playground. Something like that could be a nice enhancement.