Create releases in Pipelines not at final stage
Right now you can only create releases at the last environment in a Pipeline. We'd like to have 2 stages so we have a true dry-run of deployment. Our pipeline is
Dev > QA > UAT > Staging > Production
Creation of the release branch before Staging would allow us to effectively cherry-pick what we want deployed into Staging as we get UAT approvals, do a test deployment where QA does a sanity/smoke test and have greater confidence when we get to our Production release.

Carol Rathbun commented
This is so important to be able to merge features together before going to production. Merging into a release right before production leaves too much risk for something that is incorrect to be merged after something that was correct and there is no way to test it.
Roy Lloyd commented
Enabling releases earlier in the pipeline would be an amazing time-saving feature for me as I am faced with >100 feature branches to merge into UAT. Only current option is to do this outside of Gearset.
Sureshkumar Palaniappan commented
yes, this will be an useful feature to test the release process in preprod/staging before taking to live.