Show Date/Time of Validation Run in Validation Details
I would like to see the "Effective Date" of a validation in the Validation Details screen (at /continuous-integration-job-validation-errors).
I only ever access this information from the Deployment pipelines and so don't ever see the date/time the validation was run (near as I can tell this is only available in the CI jobs section).
To better explain my reason for asking:
Oftentimes when a validation fails it is sufficient to rerun the validation (on account of Delta CI jobs doing weird things sometimes). What I've found myself doing is perusing the validation errors, clicking "retry validation", then going about other tasks - if it fails a second time, I'll review the issue. Then I come back into the pipeline and see validation failed, peruse the details, and click "retry validation" (forgetting I did this earlier in the day/yesterday...I currently own 4-5 dev sandboxes in our pipeline).
It would optimize my workflow to be able to see the date/time the validation failed.