Persist a customized comparison config when starting a new comparison
If I choose to compare specific types using the Customize Comparison feature - Gearset Deploy should remember those choice(s) when I start the subsequent comparison(s).

You can create and save custom comparison filters from the dropdown underneath the “Compare now” button on in the app.
Jesse commented
I think it would be nice to have the option at least. I don't know about other users, but I generally use the same filter time and time again. I find myself quite often forgetting to switch the filter to my custom filter and end up having to run the compare again after spending some time selecting what I am looking for and realizing that it isn't there. Or inversely getting way more than I wanted to see.
I think either the ability to save the default filter as 'my default' or the ability to edit the default properties would be ideal. Although in a multiple user situation maybe editing the default would be a bad thing if it is across the project team???
I definitely don't intend to speak for everyone. I can see it from both perspectives though. Either I always want my default, or I want the ootb default.
@jesse: Would you like us to save the last filter you used and always default to that when you go back to the Comparison setup screen?
Would it get annoying the other way where you truly want a new comparison back at the default and you forgot to change your filter?
Happy to schedule some time to implement this but just want to make sure we're doing the right thing :)
Jesse commented
But it doesn't remember which filter you are using. So each compare if you don't remember to re-select the filter you need you waste time of a compare. Especially annoying when I have a large deployment and get down to selecting my whateverith item just to realize the filter defaulted back and I didn't get the actual compare I needed.
Hi Steve,
We've recently added the ability to save custom comparison sets so you can re-use them in the future without having to select the objects types each time.
Simply select the objects you want to include, type a name in the box at the top, and click "Save". Next time you run a comparison, you'll be able to select this set from the drop-down box so you don't have to recreate it each time.
Hope that helps,
Jason. -
Nigel commented
Actually I'd like this to persist between separate runs of Deploy. i.e. setup the things I care about and just use those each time