Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
360 results found
Search option when selecting a Data template
When choosing a template in a Data deployment, an option to search all templates is needed. We will be updating/modifying/saving new templates often and a manual scroll will become inconvenient. Control F works to find a template, but a dedicated search option would be preferable
1 vote -
Bitbucket pull request add Default Reviewers
When using the "Create Pull Request" link on the deployment screen, please add the "Default Reviewers" to the BitBucket pull request.
Currently we have to edit each pull request and add the reviewers manually.
5 votesThis has been released on October 1st 2021
Allow renaming of data deployment templates.
It would be very useful to be able to see the details behind data deployment templates and manage / rename them
1 voteThank you for your suggestion, Joost. You can rename a template that you’ve created by clicking the cog icon next to the templates drop-down on the Configure data deployment page, as described at the end of this doc:
If you have any questions please let us know!
Default option for the deployment component list for JIRA issues
I really like the feature to add a deployment component list to a JIRA ticket. I would like to have the ability to default this ON.
It is currently defaulted to OFF.1 voteWe’ve made this stick to the last deployment on the release of March 19th, 2021. This is per team basis.
CI Job notification email should report the actual errors directly instead of linking to CI Dashboard.
This potentially can help the team to collaborate on the errors directly on Teams messages.
For example, at present, the MS team notification says [A continuous integration validation job failed for validation job for PR # xx], but doesn't say which CI job name or what the validation/deployment error was.
1 voteCompleted on 11/03/2021
Ability for team members to manually run the CI
Currently, only the owner of the CI job can manually run the CI. If the owner is out or unavailable, this creates a problem for team members because they have to deactivate the current job, clone and setup the new CI OR transfer ownership. Transferring ownership doesn't work if a team member is out unexpectedly, ill or doesn't have access to perform the transfer.
It would be helpful if you could grant access to a group of team members who have access to manually run the CI. This would save a lot of time and prevent having to keep multiple…
14 votesWe have made changes to the app on the 29th of June release for Enterprise licensed Gearset users:
Added the ability to run CI jobs belonging to other users if the source is a git repo and the target has deployment access delegated.
We think this now covers the cases:
- Allow an enterprise licensed user to run other people’s org to org CI jobs
- Allow an enterprise licensed user to run other people’s git to org CI jobsWe have not implemented allowing user to run other people’s org to git CI jobs. As this is sub use case is quite a specific interpretation of the original suggestion. Perfectly happy for it to be specified in another separate suggestion.
We have updated the documentation to reflect this change –
I hope this delivers the what your team needs. Feedback always welcome :)
Validation job ownership should be transferred
Good to have capabilities to transfer ownership of validation job to other member in the team so as if one person is on vacation then there should be easy way to transfer ownership of validation job to other member so as if required - Adjustment can be done to CI jobs.
1 vote -
Correctly create Price Book Entries records with different currencies and updated PBEs when they are out of sync (or delete+insert)
1) Currently PBEs are incorrectly inserted with the company currency as apposed to the currency of the source record.
2) PBE's currency cannot be updated once created (SF restriction) but because PBE's should not be referenced by Id, (that would be a terrible design decision). It is quite possible to delete and recreate any out of sync records.
16 votesHi, this feature has now been implemented. You should now be able to deploy PricebookEntry records with multiple currencies when you select the “Create new records” deployment option
To make it possible to abort started CI job on Continuous integration dashboard.
At the moment, you need to wait until the comparison is finished and the deployment has been started and then you should go to the org to cancel running deployment. It would be useful to have an option to abort the CI job.
11 votesThis feature is now available with the latest release.
Ability to lockdown access to delete Deployment history
It'd be nice if there was a way for admins to restrict access for devs/other users when it comes to deleting items from deployment history. The use case here is when a sprint is done and we're promoting changes from QA to UAT, it'd be nice to select all the sprint packages and combine them from deployment history so a user doesn't have to go through each change at a time. Providing full access to everyone opens the possibility for them to delete a package that should've been bundled with other packages on the promotion to UAT.
1 vote -
New Analyzer to prevent endpointURL changes for Outbound Messages in Sandboxes
A major pain point and blocker to use automated CI jobs is that we cannot include workflow rules because we have outbound messages set up to specific test endpoints per sandbox/environment. As the workflow metadata type allows us no ability to filter by workflow rule name (it's by object), this means we have no option but to manually run the comparison and deployments for each of our sandboxes.
It'd be great to add a problem analyzer to suggest not changing the endpointURL field on outbound messages when the target is a Sandbox. This way, you can deselect it manually when…
3 votes -
Enable Gearset login from corporate SSO solution
an additional layer of security and convenience would be to enable Gearset login (that is, login to Gearset) to be done from an enterprise's SSO solution. We use Duo but Okta and others should be supported.
Just like we can login to Salesforce from our enterprise's SSO , we should be able to login to related apps in our suite of enterprise tools via SSO
6 votesWe support SAML Single sign-on in our Deployment Enterprise plan.
Change default sort order of Saved Comparison Pairs to use 'Friendly Name' (or last used sort column)
The new Saved Comparison Pairs feature is great! However, the page appears to load connections in a seemingly 'random' order on each use.
Confirmed with Gearset Support the default sort order is by create date of each connection pair. However, if feature is used with multiple connection pairs spanning multiple individual instances this requires manual re-sorting of connections every time page is loaded if you want to view pairs logically by naming convention (e.g. Alpha 1->2, Alpha 2->3, Bravo 1-> 2 , Bravo 2 -> 3 etc.) or something other than system create date.
2 votesSorting by “Last used” column has now been fixed.
Include more details in webhook notifications
It would be great if webhook would include, at least, the same information as email notifications. For example, Unit Testing job notifications via email contains the details about the unit tests that failed; however, webhook notification don't. We wanted to use webhooks to get notifications in MS Teams but without the same details, it's not that useful.
2 votes -
Allow Team Members to Run Scheduled Unit Test Jobs
Execute Others’ Unit Tests
John Doe creates daily unit test job for SuperHeros R Us. He schedules it to run nightly.
Jane Smith, a member of the same Gearset team, is responsible for doing the weekly deploy for SuperHeros R Us. The unit test job from the previous day has failed (it had been previously working). Jane makes updates to the tests, and needs to re-run the unit test job. But she does not have permissions and John is out on PTO for the day. So… she needs to do it manually.14 votesReleased on December 31st, 2020
Test monitors can now be run by anyone who has validation access to the org being tested. -
Add a way to "Save" or "Save As" updated filters when in the Refresh Comparison window (like you can in the Compare and Deploy window)
When in the Refresh Comparison window, it seems there's no way to "Save" or "Save As" the updated filters. Looks like you can only access that feature via Manage Custom Filters from the Compare and Deploy screen
Any chance we could get that added? It would be super useful!
5 votesReleased on February 22nd, 2021
4 votes
When creating an account, a user can now choose to create a Gearset team that has data and metadata stored in the Australia.
Retain source control branch selection when cancelling a comparison
If you click "compare now" and then click "cancel" before it finishes, the "compare metadata" screen retains your selection for orgs, but does not retain the branch selection for source control.
It defaults to the first branch by alphabetical order versus what I selected before I cancelled. This can cause confusion for users who do not notice.
1 voteThis has now been implemented and should have the expected behaviour
Rerun Github validation on a PR without a new commit
When a CI job is set to run on a PR creation, if the source destination is missing something that the deploy requires, it will fail. To solve this, we must go to the source destination, make settings changes, and then make an empty commit to the pull request to re-run the CI.
It would be nice for there to be a link or button in Gearset to rerun the CI and update the Pull Request that the validation was successful.
2 votesIn the ‘continuous integration dashboard’ in Gearset, for ‘validate pull request’ jobs, there is a ‘run now’ play button to run the job manually. You can therefore update the target and then re-run the PR validation without needing an additional commit.
To be able to run the ‘validate pull request’ job manually, you need to have permission to run the parent CI job manually (e.g. be the job owner).
Associate pull requests to work items in Azure DevOps
When you create a pull request from gearset, the pull request isn't associated with the Azure DevOps work item.
9 votesWe've enhanced Azure DevOps (ADO) integration! You can now associate work items with pull requests directly through the ADO sidebar.
This improvement leverages ADO's native features for a more seamless and efficient workflow.
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