Custom login URLs
We deal with SF instances that do not login with the standard or
It would be nice to see an option for custom domain or custom url that can be used for either OAuth or username/password authentication.

Thanks for the feedback!
This was shipped today – on the comparison screen you can now add an org with a custom domain by selecting “My Domain (Government Cloud)” from the Salesforce authentication type dropdown. This works with Government Cloud orgs, and also any Salesforce org that has a custom My Domain url.
We don’t currently support My Domain orgs with username/password authentication. Please let us know if that’s a problem for you, or if the feature doesn’t work as expected.
Mike@Cirrius commented
Additional related request, please support the use of the SSO login workaround for those orgs that have enabled the My Domain Settings - Login Policy = TRUE that prevent login from by NOT truncating the "/?login" override which would allow the following as valid my domain
Thanks in advance,
Mike -
Bil Johnson commented
Please add support for custom domain URLs. It will help a LOT!