Allow deployment of PROFILE only
The main reason we considered Gearset was issues with deploying profiles. Half the object settings, if not more, don't come over with change sets. When attempting to use Gearset to ONLY deploy a profile, we had the same issue. So, what's the point of using GS then? When I talked with one of your technical resources he did mention that was not a common use case. I would think it would be for large organizations like ours (over 3500 employees). We may want to spin up a new profile and just deploy that with no app or any other features attached. So the new idea I'm submitting is to find a way to deploy ONLY a profile and have it come over 100% cleanly. Thanks for the consideration.

Jonathan Keener commented
Where Gearset handles this better than changesets is that it can "retrieve" metadata but you don't have to deploy it. With a changeset, you don't have this flexibility.
What I've done is create a custom "Full Profile" filter, that pre-selects all profiles and then all related metadata that could impact these. (For example, Custom Objects, Apex, etc.) I then modify it to include only the Profiles I'm deploying. I then execute the compare.
When the compare results come up, if they are new profiles, I select them, and if they are updates to existing, I search for "permission" and "visib" to locate the specific profile items related to profile settings and select them for deployment.
This is a little cumbersome, but does get the bulk of the profile deployed.
I agree that there is a big opportunity here for a more streamlined process for deploying profiles, since they are relatively unique in that you have to retrieve related metadata to gather proper security around them. I would love to see a process that handles this type of deployment automatically by selecting the profiles and indicating that a "full retrieve" needs to be done. The profiles could then internally be retrieved in separate batches and the extraneous metadata retrieved removed from compare. (Other metadata explicitly selected would stay)
Anonymous commented
It Is Common use case have faced this issue multiple time with different orgs